Fitting room experience required course: How to be considered qualified windows? – Windows and doors, inspection, renovation – building materials industry

Windows, air leakage, water seepage is a common problem a lot of properties for sale. Glass Whether good compliance, whether the Founder window frames, window sash vertical degree of experience in the Housing Division are the focus of inspection. Current Inspection knowledgeable person will continue to test you on the windows of the note issue.

Inspection Case 1: Doors and windows Box seal off Glue Sealing effect

Inspection site: Inspection Division of the window to check found that the window frames and the wall between the living room without a fight sealant; the gap between the frame and the wall to have 10mm, balcony door is the same, no gluing. Inspection Division handle on the inside of the frame and the wall could feel the wind blow.

Accordance with the relevant provisions of Plastic Gap between the door window frame and wall should be filled with closed-cell elastic material embedded in full, the surface should be sealed with sealant. Sealant should be firmly bonded, the surface should be smooth, straight, no cracks. Gap between the door window frame and the wall shall not be used Cement Mortar filling should be filled with elastic material embedded full surface application of sealants seal.

If the seal incomplete, will affect the windows and doors for air tightness. The doors, window frames and wall sealant between the drain on homeowners fighting to bring a lot of trouble. Such as the summer rain easily from the door, window frames and interior wall joints infiltrated, destroyed the wall Decoration .

Inspection recommendations: Asked developers to re-window frames, door frames and walls to play between the plastic and rubber should be smooth and no crack.

Inspection Case 2: Failed to use safety glass high-rise residential

Inspection site: Large windows, good lighting, and many owners like the openness of the house. Feel that this house very good, the surface not a problem. However, when the Housing Inspection Division in the windows of a high-rise residential measurements found that the window glass area larger than 1.5 square meters. But the window glass surface but not 3C mark. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the glass variety, size, size, color, pattern and film direction should be consistent with design requirements. Single block of glass should be used more than 1.5 square meters through 3C certified safety glass. Inspection Division, said the impact of ordinary glass susceptible to injuries caused by glass cracks, but not breakable safety glass. Larger than 1.5 square meters of window glass or glass bottom surface is less than 500mm from the final fitting of windows should use safety glass.

Inspection recommendations: Asked developers to produce a certificate of glass products, performance reporting and site acceptance test records, without the requirement to replace safety glass.

Inspection Case 3: Windows security risks exist no barriers

Inspection site: For many families with children, the French windows with safety barrier is very important. However, the Housing Inspection Division of the sill height measurements found that the master bedroom window to the floor height is 46.5 cm, but the developer did not install the fence, according to relevant regulations, external window sills from the floor, the ground when the height of less than 0.90m should have protective equipment, out of the window there is Balcony Or platform, from time restriction. The net height or protective window Railing Height should be starting from to tread, to ensure clear height of 0.90m. Whether this would be a great security risk.

Inspection recommendations:

Required developers to install safety barriers to protect the safety of the owners.

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