How Can I Make Lap Band Surgery More Affordable For Me?

Affordable bariatric Lap-Band surgery can be achieved through some shopping around and homework. Generally, these surgeries cost around 10,000 dollars, although some places charge around 30,000 dollars. To help make the surgery more affordable, there are a few things you can do.
The first step to making Lap-Band surgery more affordable is to see if your insurance company will cover for it. That will be your best option. Many insurances will cover for bariatric care, especially if you qualify medically for it. Bariatric centers can’t change an insurance policy, but your employer probably could. If your insurance currently doesn’t cover for it, your best bet would be to have your employer change your policy if you are covered under the company’s insurance. Try to get your insurance to cover as much as possible.
If your insurance won’t cover for it, there are still some things you can do to defray the cost of the surgery. Many bariatric centers have “out-of-network” insurance plans that their patients can use. It won’t be as good as using your own insurance that they are networked with, but it will be better than nothing. A lot of these centers also offer financial payment plans that will help enable you to pay, and may save you money in the process. These payment plans are lots of times through third parties that the centers use. Because different bariatric centers may use different payment plans, it may not hurt to do some comparisons. It also never hurts to see if you can pay at a discount if you pay with cash.

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