Saving Money Isn’t Often the Most Important Thing
There will always be a lot to consider and consider when you’re establishing your business. You’re worried about how much money it is going to cost to accomplish everything. Your web site will probably be expensive. Promotion will probably cost a lot more. Hiring a person to help you manage things will cost a lot more money. You might even be a little bit tempted to cut corners. It is most likely that you are likely to be trying to figure out at least one or two different ways that you can cut costs but sometimes doing this can hurt you. It might hurt you a lot. The largest thing you can do to put yourself in danger is to violate copyright and intellectual property laws. Here are a number of good examples.
Stealing the design of another person’s web page. Downloading a free design or utilizing a no cost website builder is one thing. It is totally different to outright duplicate someone else’s design. Obviously the web is a giant place and it isn’t very likely that the original artist is ever going to learn about your theft but that doesn’t mean that you should take the chance. If you love the design and want to use it for your own site, why not contact the designer and site owner and ask for permission to either use the same design for your own site or to ask the designer how much to design something for you?
Using photos and graphics without having permission. Just because the shot or image appears on a Google image search does not mean that the image or photo is public domain. Google indexes images and links to the original website that displays it. This is fine. Posting the photo or graphic on your own site before you get authorization from the operator or the creator, however, is a violation of copyright law. If the owner finds this, you may get sued. Always consult the owner of the graphic for authorization before you use the image. You could wind up having to pay a little bit of money but it’ll be worth it if you can push away legal action. If your funds are low, you can always search for free images or images launched with the Creative Commons licenses that allow people to use images commercially. Those are absolutely fine for the public to use.
Stealing another person’s published content. If you’d like to use another person’s content on your own website, it is very important that you give credit to the original author. If you replicate the content from another website, just be sure you link back to that site. This helps you obtain favor from the first author. If you never put up links or give credit to the original creator, you will get in major trouble for copyright infringement as well as intellectual property theft. You’ll shell out far more for the infringement than it might cost you to merely link to the original or even to hire someone to create the original content for you.
It’s often much better to be careful when you are setting up your business. Saving money is obviously something you wish to do but make absolutely certain that you save it legally. When you don’t, the cost you will be experiencing will be a great deal more than it would have been otherwise.
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