5 Tips To Help Improve Your Golf Swing!
Here are some great steps to follow to help improve your golf swing…
1) Check Your Grip.
It’s not the type of grip that is so important here so much as the consistency of use. You have to find what suits you and learn to use it every time, otherwise you can’t tell whether it is really working for you.
2) Check Your Stance.
You cannot deliver a perfect swing if you are misaligned to the ball. Many players who have not received correct (or any) instruction, step up to the ball and hit to the right in an attempt to correct a problem they don’t really know exists. To check your stance, address the ball in your normal fashion, but before you play your stroke, lay down your golf club so that it is touching both your toes. Step about 10 paces behind the ball and sight down the club. If the club is to the right of your target, your stance is out of alignment.
3) Square Your Stance.
Try again and when you think your stance is square, hit some balls. Driving left? I thought so. This is the problem that you tried to correct with your off-square stance. It means that you are pulling the ball by trying to use too much of your arms. If the opposite side is the problem – that is, driving to the right, it means you are allowing your body to slide too much through impact. You have to let your body do a large part of the swinging, not just your arms.
4) Watch Your Shoulders.
If your right hand is below the left on your club, then the right shoulder must be below the left – unless one arm is longer than the other! Above all, you should feel comfortable when you make the perfect swing.
5) Watch Your Post-swing Position.
If you look like the reversed letter ‘C’ (even slightly) when you’ve finished your swing, expect back trouble. A reverse ‘C’ is when the upper body leans away from the target during follow through. Okay, that’s nothing to do with the perfect swing, but if you get bad back you won’t be able to make any sort of swing, much less a perfect one. Remember that when you execute the perfect swing there is very little stress put on your back, thus it will be worth your time and effort to correct this fault.
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