Why Twitter is an Important Internet Marketing Resource
Twitter is an incredible social networking service. Almost everyone out there has a Twitter account. Everyone from teenagers to celebrities is using twitter to communicate, entertain and have fun. And now, there are a number of Internet marketers capitalizing on this great promotional opportunity.
There are myriad different strategies for using Twitter to improve your business’s bottom line and boost your sales figures. When you first delve into using the service you will probably feel the temptation to use as many different strategies as you can at once. However, it does not seem that Twitter will be vanishing in the near future, so you will be able to test the different strategies at a more relaxed pace. Here are some ideas that can help you get off on the right foot.
If you figure out how to use your tweets, you can send tons of traffic to your site on a daily basis. You don’t want to make the mistake of sending out 10 or 12 tweets a day, though. It may seem like a good idea when you start up on Twitter to tweet every few minutes. This is not the case, however, and doing this could hinder your success. Instead limit your promotional tweets to one or two a day. If you stick to only posting 2 or 3 times a day, then people will be more interested in what you have to offer. If these people click on the links and are sent to an informative and interesting site, this means more business for you.
Is your business having an event? Perhaps you will have a sale or are contemplating creating an offline event where you wish to bring people together? Twitter is an excellent means of promoting it.
The great thing about Twitter is that once you have tweeted something, if you followers like it they can re-tweet it. This is the best type of viral marketing ever. You can reach more people than ever before. Educate yourself on the hash tag feature. This can means the difference between people in the tens or people in the hundreds attending your events. These are all people who are going to consider buying what you have to sell! A good study course such as Launch Jacking may yourself and business enormously.
A fantastic way to increase traffic to other projects you have is to include your blog or website link when you post. If you’re linking to your blog, you can sometimes increase the revenue you’re bringing in through advertising (especially if that advertising is based on traffic performance). On Twitter, you can also write tweets with links to your sales pages or special promotions. You can send people to landing pages where you capture their e-mail addresses for future e-mail marketing purposes. You could simply link to your website for an increase of more targeted traffic.
Twitter is a brilliantly designed tool for you to use. You can certainly use it for social functions, but you can also use it for Internet marketing. Online marketers are missing out on a major audience if they aren’t taking advantage of this business aspect of Twitter. Twitter can help you brand your service or company, as well as offer better coverage of your products and services, thus creating a higher level of trust with potential customers.
Correct use of Twitter converts prospects into buyers which means more money than you could have ever imagined. So don’t think of Twitter as just another way to chat online with your friends. If you have something important to say or sell, Twitter is the way to go.
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