Effective treatments for the problem of acne skin
There is no hiding bad skin, no matter how hard you try, and for some people the problem of acne skin is one that can haunt them from adolescence right through to old age. The long term psychological effects of having bad skin can be extremely severe, affecting the ability to form long-lasting and meaning relationships and to get a foot on the ladder of success, and as such, the development of effective acne treatment programmes is a very important one.
Acne treatment these days can mean anything from specialist face washes, creams and gels, to prescription medicines, skin peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy, and choosing the right treatment or combination of treatments is absolutely essential if you are to see effective results. The easiest way to ensure that what you are getting is going to be effective for you is to book in for a free consultation at a registered UK cosmetic surgery clinic, during which the condition of your skin will be assessed, along with your current lifestyle, age, how long you have been suffering with acne for, what type of acne you have, and any other acne treatment you have tried before.
One of the ways in which clinics will assess the condition of your skin is by carrying out Computerised Photo Imaging Skin Analysis, a simple and completely non-invasive and pain-free process that gives a detailed picture of your skin as it is now, and one which will offer a benchmark by which to judge the success of your programme of treatment. Once this has been analysed by your aesthetic practitioner, he or she will be able to put together a bespoke treatment programme to help you achieve clearer skin. These programmes can one or all of the latest available treatments, often combining one or more of the following: microdermabrasion, skin peels, washes, creams, and laser therapy.
Acne skincare can be a fantastic way to prolong the effects of the other treatments and keep your skin free from spots, blemishes, redness, swelling, and dry or oily patches. Each of the four different types of acne skin; mild, pustular, comedonal, and inflammatory, respond better to different types of treatment, and this will also depend on your particular skin type and the severity of your acne. A qualified aesthetic practitioner will be able to advise you on what will work best, how many treatments you will need and how long it will take before you see the results.
To ensure you get the right acne treatment, whether this is a combination of microdermabrasion and laser therapy, or skincare and skin peels, visit a registered clinic with qualified aesthetic practitioners.