What is Fair-trade clothing and how can it help the workers who make our clothes.

Many people buy different types of clothes and can end up spending thousands of pounds each year on these clothes that they buy. People do without having any idea where these clothes are actually made and how this process is done. Some fibres to make clothes are made from natural fibres where as some are from manmade materials such as nylon and polyester. Cotton is an example of a natural resource and is usually associated with fair-trade clothing. Fair-trade is a way in which the workers who produce the cotton are helped and are rewarded for what they do.

Sometimes the farmers and the people who get the cotton from different fields are exploited by their employees. They are sometimes given unfair wages and are made to work long hours in very poor conditions. This has become a very major issue and it is something that needs to be put a stop to. Although some people may thing or like to think that the people who make our clothes, farmed our food and many other things where treated fairly this isn’t always the case.

This is why the fair-trade label was set up. Fair-trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), Fair-trade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives.

A lot of Fair-trade clothing is also made from organic materials which is why you will often see the two causes logos next to each other. By using organic cotton these farmers are able to not only ensure the longevity of their resources but also their livelihood.

Fair-trade clothing is all around us now as more and more companies and shops begin to stock clothing that has come from these countries and farmers. By buying into the Fair-trade cause we’re ensuring that the people that made our clothes and farmed our food get fair treatment and that they receive a good standard of life.

Go online today and look for all the different types of Organic clothing that is available for you. They have everything that you may need including all outdoor mens clothing. You can make a difference so do it today.

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