Foreign iron ore negotiations, the "China model" different response – iron ore negotiations, steel – iron and steel industry

10 17, The Ninth International Symposium in Qingdao Iron and Steel raw materials end. At the meeting, Chinese representatives?? Secretary-General of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, China alone is still thrown Iron ore price Negotiations "China model", and before the seminar Iron ore Giant released the "prices 30% -35%" tit for tat sound of the wind, opened in 2010 iron ore price negotiations, Chinese and foreign large screen.

Pricing model The first mention of the "China model"

In this seminar, the China Iron and Steel Association, China is still the Secretary-General explained in detail in a single "China model", the model including the billing cycle, amount of price interaction, unified national price for.

This is the first time clear the negotiations. For the more sensitive is the real negotiations?? Prices, one is still China, said certain oversupply of iron ore next year, a long association price to the decision by both the supply and demand. This statement means that the Chinese side think that iron ore prices next year should continue to decline.

Attitude of foreign mining enterprises react differently

Chinese negotiators?? BHP Billiton, CVRD and Rio Tinto representatives attended the seminar, but they were not to speak publicly. However, in the seminar held the day before, there are foreign media said the three firms will be required to iron ore price increase 2010-2011 30% -35%.

For next year's iron ore supply and demand situation, the participants of the iron ore business representatives said that they are difficult to predict. But China's "China model" has been part of the corporate identity, Australia, general manager of Aquila Resources Limited ore, said negotiations with the various modes depending on Cooperation Steel negotiations, does not necessarily follow the model of the Big Three. FMG Liu Xiaodong, director of sales and marketing, said the next FMG iron ore output of 55 million tons will be in accordance with the agreement calls for all to a long association mining in the form of sales.

Western Australian Government Commercial Representative Office Representative Zhuangbin Jun said that China, Australia, iron ore and steel market in China is the interdependence of upstream and downstream, the future of Western Australia's iron ore will become increasingly dependent on the Chinese market, estimated 7-8 percent of iron ore export dependency the Chinese market.

Supply and demand analysis of price rally continued hard

Slow recovery as the global economy, steel demand pick up, but the concern is the slow rebound in global steel production, the way the strong rebound in China's steel market has been a serious excess capacity, mergers and reorganization of the government is trying to solve this problem . Hebei Iron and Steel Group, Sha Steel Group and other officials responsible for a number of steel companies, said China's steel industry overcapacity will eventually lead to a new round of cuts later in the steel mills.

At the seminar, general manager of China Steel Trade Co., Ltd Feng Shui military said there has been a loose iron ore supply and demand situation, the current view, such a supply and demand situation in 2010 will not change significantly.

However, in the spot market, because the reduced supply of iron ore business and other reasons, iron ore prices since September has continued to rebound. Currently, 63.5% Indian iron ore fines quoted at 90 dollars / ton, higher than the previous period, more than 10%. However, for this round of iron ore prices, the industry have said that if prices continued to fall, iron ore prices is difficult to continue.

China's steel industry associations, said that so far, China's imports of iron ore in 2009 than the actual demand exceeds 50 million tons, the demand for the next year to lay the discount.

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