Low-grade formaldehyde adhesive excessive need for environmental labeling certification – formaldehyde, adhesives, decoration pollution – Building Materials Industry

Order to create a comfortable living environment, family started to pay attention more and more housing Decoration . However, some people lack the experience of home improvements, resulting in fitting into the zone, leaving a lot of hidden dangers. Renovated some of the quality of the surface appear easy and resolve, but some hidden hazards, including not easy to find, but it is precisely the harm ultimately caused harm to the human body. Xinzhuang

lived in Shanghai, Mr. Hu Jin Du Road, a building materials market to buy a couple loads of universal Glue When ready to paste in the decoration Plate When officers opened the bin to prepare the construction works, we found the special pungent odor adhesive, who heard the case after the tears produced dizziness, but did not attract much attention, construction workers continue to be constructed with this adhesive . Eventually led to two workers who inhaled the Harmful Substances in excess toxic adhesive, to the hospital emergency, one of the staff is still deeply poisoned by the treatment.

Fortunately, the last case is not life-threatening poisoning personnel, following this case is a lesson of blood.

While ago there were media reports that a piece of news. Moved into newly renovated home only six months, the man of the house have been diagnosed with leukemia, died after one year. Physical health has always been bad luck befell the man of the house, family reasons, he finally realized that the newly renovated houses. Sure enough, by the indoor air testing, fitting and after one year of the master bedroom closet is still seriously exceeded among the formaldehyde concentration. To this end, the hostess will be responsible for the decoration of Qian Mou to court. The case is still pending. Even if the ultimate hostess won the case got compensation money, but had a complete family has broken, no amount of money is also for men who have not returned to their lives.

Mentioned in the text of "formaldehyde" is a hidden killer, excess formaldehyde can cause blindness or even death. In addition to formaldehyde are benzene, toluene / xylene are the perpetrators of harm to human health. Excess of benzene will make people dizzy, headache, fatigue, severe spasticity caused the death of respiratory center, is a carcinogen; toluene / xylene: the skin and mucous membrane irritation large, long-term access to easy to cause bladder cancer.

Hazards of chemicals for the above, I think we all hear about it. Some consumers in the Paint , Floor , Sanitary ware and so on greater understanding of primary materials, not only for its design, style and function is very concerned about the environmental performance of these materials have also put forward higher requirements and personal supervision of the procurement. However, after arrival in the decoration finished feel at home with pungent odor, can not find the hidden culprit is confused. Shu I do not know, often hidden source of the disaster we usually do not pay attention in the small material, and this is?? Adhesive.

Adhesive is an important auxiliary for decoration, door pockets, window cover material above the paste, the paste kick moldings, Fire Board The paste adhesive products, etc. One has to spend. Some irregular Team decoration , In order to save costs are often low-adhesives used inferior products, these plastic adhesive strength is not only a problem in itself, harmful substances is significantly exceeded, which in addition to exceeding the triphenyl class, there are a variety of toxic and harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, halogenated hydrocarbons, etc., by using this kind of adhesive, not only your material on the main environmental protection investment go down the drain, but also in the living room of the toxic and harmful gases will you and your family's health long-term harm.

Therefore, in the home renovation process, the more need to pay attention to these details, in particular the choice of adhesive, decoration accessories procurement team made a list of the best consumer personal checks. Suggest that you can go directly to the large building materials store, or go buy the regular building materials market.

Countries already have enacted related to "adhesive limit of harmful substances" standard provisions, consumers can access the Internet, extract some basic indicators for consumers to know what's what.

Same time, the standard also provides that "all materials used for interior decoration adhesive products, the packaging must show that the standard specifies the name and content of harmful substances." Therefore, consumers were advised to pay attention to the product purchase packaging, compared to the standard prescribed limit.

I am an expert from International Trade Community, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as 8 gauge earring , wholesale ice cubes.

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