Smoking and Its Effects to Pregnancy
There plenty of things that prevents a women to get pregnant. These factors can either be psychological emotional or physical. Some of the factors that cause infertility are the following: Ovulation complications, Old age, Fallopian tube defects, Overweight, Stress and Smoking. Most of these factors are highly preventable and manageable but some needs medical and surgical interventions to overcome. In this article we will talk about smoking and its effects to pregnancy.
A single cigarette contains more than 4000 toxic chemicals, including cyanide, nicotine, lead and at least 60 carcinogens. When a lady smokes during pregnancy these harmful chemicals goes to the bloodstream. The mother’s bloodstream is also the baby’s only source of oxygen and essential nutrients. What goes to the mother’s bloodstream goes to the baby automatically. Imagine what would happen to the baby once he gets those 4000 harmful chemicals into his system.
Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide are the two most harmful chemicals that are accountable for almost every pregnancy complication that is related to smoking. The most serious complications of smoking includes still birth, premature delivery and low birth weight. These happen because nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict thereby decreasing the blood that flows into the umbilical cord going to the baby. While carbon monoxide also replaces oxygen in the red blood cells which eventually results to decrease oxygen supply to both the mother and the kid inside her.
Now that you have learned something about smoking and its effects to pregnancy, you should start quitting smoking now before its too late. Once you quit, expect to get pregnant and conceive a healthy and bouncing baby.
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