The Best Way to Choose a Great Basketball Shoe
It’s hard to play basketball seriously without having shoes that are comfortable and support you. Your shoes must absorb all the punishment your feet take during a game and give you freedom of motion as well. If your shoes don’t fit you right, however, your whole game can be thrown off, and you can easily get hurt. Finding the best basketball shoes will be easier if you keep the following elements in mind.
It’s good to start off with an idea of how much you want to spend, as basketball shoes vary quite a bit in price. One thing you have to realize about basketball shoes is that they don’t last very long if you play hard in them, so you have to buy new ones frequently. So if your budget is limited, you may have to rule out the styles that are on the high end of the spectrum. It’s possible to find good basketball shoes for around forty dollars, but the prices go well into the hundreds. You will seldom find shoes made for basketball in the bargain bin for ten or twenty dollars, so you should stay away from these. Such shoes won’t give your feet the support they need. If you do some comparison shopping, you can probably find some of the better brands of basketball shoes at prices you can afford.
While most sports involve a few predictable motions, basketball has you going in all directions, including straight up, so you need special shoes for this. You not only have to be able to run fast, you have to be able to stop quickly as well. Then there are all the changes in direction, and of course jumping. This makes it essential that you are wearing shoes that have sufficient cushioning to protect your feet, while not slowing you down or limiting your movements. Otherwise, you’ll have trouble with the sudden stops, sharp turns and pivoting the game requires of you, and you risk all kinds of injuries.
It’s always best to try on basketball shoes before buying them. This is the limiting thing about buying shoes online, which can be convenient, but you miss out on the important step of trying them on for yourself. Of course, if you’ve bought a certain type of shoe before and know you like it, then buying a pair online presents no problem. However, when trying something new, you should really go to the mall or your favorite athletic shoe store and try them on. You could always do your first round of shopping at an athletic shoe store and then when you’ve narrowed down your search, go online and look for better prices on shoes you’ve already tried on. At least in that case you’ll know what you’re buying.
Athletic shoe companies release new kinds of basketball shoes all the time. Yet the manufacturers still make classic styles for traditionalists. So, when you go shopping for basketball shoes, try to keep the above factors in mind. The type of shoe or sneaker you prefer will depend on your own feet and style of play.
Once you’ve found a shoe that is just right for you, there’s no need to keep experimenting, you’re better off sticking with it.
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