PC tools for Speed your PC
If you are facing any PC related issues such as slow PC, freezing, pop up errors and many other identical issues these all make your PC not only sick but they also create great performance problem in the PC. In all such cases usually a PC user tends to use many PC Tools, PC fixes and computer cleaner programs. Though there is no program alone that can address all the problems that may experience in a PC. I have been using windows PC for approximately 12 years now and I have found whenever an error or issue appears first time in a PC we should always use windows own PC Tools and utilities in order to fix the issue. Using windows in built features are always safer if we compare with any other program that cleans computer. However if you have already tried and fed up of using windows PC Tools you may certainly go for any other but trustworthy program so that lest it may harm your PC in any way.
This is interesting to know that why do I advocate windows PC Tools or utilities to fix any PC related problem. It is because whenever we use or run any built in tool of windows it invokes only those features that are pertaining to that particular incident or function. In nut shell it does not alter or harm to any other associated or incorrect program or feature in a PC. So this becomes safest to use initially. When we talk about security aspects of windows system a firewall and antivirus is an obvious program that comes in mind. Today very few PC users use or just trust windows firewall rather very often we go for a third party security firewall and use it. Nevertheless I would like to share and I am glad to inform this piece of information that in windows 7 the giant Microsoft has developed a great in built PC tool that is windows 7 firewall. I felt this is sufficient in order to restrict or save your PC from any external or malicious attack. You just need to set the firewall setting as per your need and security level.
Here another important aspect of
Windows defender- This is an antispyware program and indeed a great PC tools, and monitors system setting in order to prevent any spyware attack. The new interface in the Windows 7 version has fewer confusing options which are appropriate for a program that normally runs silently in the background.
Windows Biometric Service – The Windows Biometric Service provides support for fingerprint biometric devices so as to you can use a fingerprint reader to log on to a computer and to enter admin credentials in response to UAC elevation prompts. This is also a good feature added in windows 7.
User Account Control (UAC)
UAC or user account control lessens the inherent danger of using an administrator account for everyday tasks by requesting your consent when an application needs to do something with system wide effect. Besides, architectural changes wrought by UAC make it practical for most people to practice a standard account for daily computing. In Windows 7, UAC is far less intrusive than in Windows Vista because fewer tasks trigger UAC prompts, and new configuration options make it easier to control UAC so that it doesn’t control you.