Discover The Complete Facts Related To Private Quarters
You can find an array of products in the network marketing and direct sales industry, but not often home textiles such as bed and bath linen which are provided by Private Quarters.
Two business masters, Jeff Stroud and Wayne Selness formed the company back in 2004. PQ has seen some impressive growth and a continual increase in profits despite other companies having a tough time due to the current financial climate in the world.
Many people in the industry are taking notice of this company that operates from California.
As you might expect with such a product as bed and bath linens, you are really going to have to do traditional person to person referral marketing. You can’t expect to flog these products on the internet (although it can happen), you are going to make your sales largely by allowing your potential customers to see and feel the softness and comfort that the PQ linens provide.
The company focuses very heavily on hosting home parties as the key method to selling and recruiting. So much so that they will even provide you with free products for your party!
When it comes to average earnings, Private Quarters is actually at the stop of the stack. According to their statistics a consultant hosting an average of 2 home parties per week can expect to earn around $2,500 just on personal sales.
You also don’t need to stock your own products; everything is stored and shipped out from their warehouse.
What is the compensation plan like?
You can make money in two different ways, either by sales on which you can get a 40% override on the retail price and also 11% from your teams sales. Its worth bringing in people under you as you will enjoy the benefits of residual income and be paid whether you work or not. The company also offers cash and generational bonuses for those who qualify at Director levels or above. They also offer 2 trips each year for those that want to take advantage.
To get started with Private Quarters you will need to purchase a starter kit for $199, this will give you the materials you need to carry out your home parties and also allow you to experience the products for yourself. The company will also give you a personalised website so that customers can order directly online. Again you will get up to 40% override on orders.
There is a lot to be said for this opportunity and many people are doing well with it. You must remember though that you are going to have to be prepared to do home meetings and use the more traditional methods of marketing. You probably won’t be making many sales on autopilot online. What you can do though is make use of the online world to generate a large amount of leads for your business and find others that will be interested in starting their own PQ business.
One of the biggest problems that folks run into is that they run out of people to prospect very quickly. Most people’s warm market is not big enough to bring about any success However, using proven methods which can be implemented by anyone, it’s quite easy to continually increase your warm market and never run out of hot prospects again.
There is definitely money to be earned from Private Quarters if you are ready to make the effort. Financial success can be yours following a straightforward system, stop by my network marketing training center for more information.