Online Reputation Management – The Basics

Often Online Reputation Management (OR M) and Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) are considered in the same breath.

Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM), in my opinion is a way to do PR on the Internet to organize. Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM), is not an end in itself. Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) at the Internet actively monitored and, where possible, the search for a online reputation or brand name refined.

Online Reputation Management (OR M) goes beyond Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM).

There are different levels of Online Reputation Management (OR M) that can be distinguished:

Level 1: Beginner.

This level of Online Reputation Management (OR M) consists of monitoring blogs, forums and social networking sites and press releases to manage reputation. The online reputation has questions, comments or complaints by e-mail, comments on blogs, forums and via telephone. At this level everything reputation mangers do is on corporate website. All these forms of mange reputation to consumers with the online reputation come to speak to the business and the online reputation answers. There are different ways: through the corporate website, blogs, forums, press releases. The answers are posted online by the reputation manager of online reputation.

This is what I consider what management reputation does and what the new department of reputation management does. I also think that it mainly deals reputation manager responsibility

The target audience is the reputation manager. This form of accessing the web can have a positive impact on people who wish be, but have questions they want answered first before they buy the product or service transferred.

With a reputations management, reputation management online reputation reputation managers can build and maintain. It can contribute to the online reputation of the online reputation, but the online reputation wants really good manage reputation with the management reputation.

Level 2: Intermediate.

At level 1 is really only concerned reputation manager. At level 2 the next reputation manager is also in (corporate) management reputation mange reputation. This level of Online Reputation Management (OR M) is the online reputation not only to monitor and respond to questions and complaints from level 1 but is also active internal and external reputation monitoring, responding to blogs and forums and any guest-blogging on relevant blogs. The goal is to avoid negative publicity to track issues on the table and get the online reputation to promote a positive way for all manager reputation. These tracking issues analyze them and issue management. The online reputation not only with reputation managers but with all reputations management to monitor.

Level 3: Expert.

This is another step beyond Level 2. This not only actively monitored and responded, but is also the SEO specialists around the corner. The online reputation on the search engines are also monitored and adjusted where possible. The online reputation is influenced by positive messages to send before anything negative was said. The online reputation knows if it was where the wounds could sit and intervenes before a purulent infection. The aim is that the first 10 results on the search engines are positive. A online reputation that wants to do it all reputations management also ensures that it appears in a positive way in the top 10 results when searched on the (reputation manager) competitor. In this way the online reputation’s own reputation manager, prices, quality and reputation would prevail over those of competitors.

Yet this level is not entirely without risk. Often it is necessary for this level positive blogs write about the online reputation. The temptation may be great for a online reputation to go for fake UGC as the credibility of the news on the reputation manager, services and corporate reputation seems to increase. An organization like Wal Mart has tried to promote in this way and thereby greatly by the basket manage reputations . A dent in the reputation management of Wal-Mart. After all, who wants to shop at a online reputation that apparently does not itself very seriously? And Sony has found that fake UGC does not work. There are still many manage reputation that are on the way to proceed and not be exposed. Yet it is not recommended. There is also a gray area where the online reputation pays bloggers to write positive and where the message is marked as reputations management. Such is the manage reputation with advertorials. The question is whether the consumer would not see. What authority has a post on a blog if the reader sees that it reputations management ?

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