ITT semi-centralized sewage treatment response to China's water crisis – sewage treatment, ITT-water industries

China Southwest Region Drought Affect many people's hearts. Water, that we can not avoid the daily diet, and again to remind us how important it is.

Recently, the reporter an exclusive interview in Beijing, ITT's chairman, Steve? Mr. Luo Lanjie, he said: China is the most important water issues are at the center of water availability. The future, China and the world will face Water Pollution And the two major problems of water scarcity.

Mr. Luo Lanjie since 2004 as this is the world's leading water treatment technology company's chairman, president and CEO. Traveled around the world, with on Water Q Sensitive issues and professional knowledge, with water treatment industry leader in the development of China's future, said Steven Loranger, Chairman, ITT will be in China to promote a new semi-centralized Sewage Processing system.

Through continuous investment in recent years, China's eastern coastal cities, has a lot of centralized sewage treatment facilities, need further work and put it to the central and the western expansion, to improve their sewage treatment capacity. The drought in the southwest of the area revealed the effective use of irrigation facilities and lack of water facilities.

Interview, Steven Loranger, chairman of the most concern is that China's growing urbanization in wastewater treatment and reuse. The semi-centralized sewage treatment system for the population in 5000 to 100,000 small and medium sized towns and communities are designed.

This semi-centralized sewage treatment center set of black water, gray water treatment and reuse, waste and sludge treatment and Energy Back for one treatment center, self-modular design, according to the needs of users dealing with the scope of matching. Black water and gray water treatment center separately, treated gray water for flushing the toilet the residents, due to non-reuse of water discharged from the toilet, more easily accepted by the residents to save water consumption. On waste and sludge digestion process, making waste and sludge by stabilization, reduction treatment, the biogas produced can be used for power generation, power consumption to processing centers to become self-sufficient. Collected near the sewage pipe network investment and savings Pump Station upgrade costs. The nearest collection and disposal of waste, making waste reduction, lower long-distance transport of waste volume.

This solution has achieved two outputs: one is how the recycling of sewage discharge. One is how to deal with the problems after recovery. Meanwhile, because of its small size, significant savings in initial investment of strength, more suitable for small cities, small communities, small cities and towns.

Interview, present president of ITT China and India, Ke Bode introduced, ITT is working with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction at some semi-centralized urban sewage treatment center demonstration project.

The future of global water issues with the professional knowledge, Steven Loranger, Chairman on his views on China's water problems. He believes that China should promote the implementation of the "three A", that is consciousness (Awareness); Evaluation (Accessment); Action (Action). A first task of the media, the importance of fresh water, water delivery to the public the seriousness of the crisis. A second task of the government and enterprises, on the evaluation of the current situation facing the water, using scientific ways of coping. A last this is our common action, we can develop the best design solutions that allow both sides to take action based on the assessment results, use advanced technology to achieve all this.

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