Emotional Infidelity: Are You Emotionally Cheating On Your Partner? Read The Article Ans Find Out
Emotional infidelity is the new face of infidelity. Learn why.
You like to talk to him, joke with him, spend time in the Cafeteria, at lunch, and you exchange funny emails. You’re happy with him, you flirt, dress nice, and time flies when both of you are together. The problem? He’s not your husband, and the “real guy” doesn’t know about this guy. Whether he’s your officemate, Facebook friend, the ex-boyfriend, clearly you two are up to something else. Could this be the end of your marriage? How in the world can it be considered as infidelity when there’s no sex involved? It’s still is infidelity – emotional infidelity at its finest.
So What Is Emotional Infidelity?
It’s the diversion of the feelings (physical or emotional energy), time and attention to someone other than the person you are committed to. Needless to say, this emotional connection is usually hidden from the spouse.
What’s The Big Deal When There’s No Sex?
A lot of people can move on with sexual infidelity but hardly on this one. The fact that emotional cheating is about breaking the trust of your spouse by keeping these little dirty secrets hidden, is already enough to break any marriage vows.
I’m Being Friendly with the Opposite Sex. Can I Be Charged With Emotional Infidelity?
There’s no other person who can answer it but you. Ask yourself if the things you two are talking about are the same things you share with your spouse. Are you complicating things just to extend your time together?
Is This Becoming a Norm These Days?
Online connections have brought us together faster and easier. If you want to reconnect with your old boyfriend, there’s a huge chance that you’ll find him on Facebook. Yes, it is becoming more common these days.
Why Most People Deny That They’re Doing Something Wrong?
Because there’s no sex involved. We continue to believe that as long as no sex has ever been committed, it’s just a plain friendship. But when these emotional affairs flourish, it’s very likely that it will turn into sexual infidelity.
Do I Have To End My Marriage?
It doesn’t have to end that way. But think about how painful it is if your spouse would know it. With or without sex, it’s still cheating, and cheating is very detrimental to any relationship.
What Should You Do?
Back off. Refuse to answer emails, calls, text messages, lunch breaks or dinner dates from that person. Nip the relationship before it blossoms. Like quit smoking, you’ll suffer withdrawal symptoms when you’re trying to end your emotional infidelity with someone – but have to do it for your own good.
Next, emotional infidelity can be difficult to deal with alone. Get immediate help today if your relationship has been shattered by an affair. Get Instant Access to a FREE 7-part Survive An Affair E-course by Clicking Here NOW!