Simple Steps To Take So Your Adsense Account Survives
All internet marketers are aware that Google AdSense is a simple and effective way to make money from a blog or website. AdSense is a highly effective way to make money from a blog or website, because you earn money when visitors click on the ads, which are highly targeted to the content on your site. Many marketers, however, have had their AdSense accounts banned by Google because they, either knowingly or by accident, violated one rule or another.
You can get banned immediately if you try to make a few dollars by clicking your own Adsense ads. It would be interesting to know how many people do that because it is the fast track to losing one’s account. Think about all the resources and technical ability Google has, and you will hopefully understand why you cannot game that one. It’s alright if you accidently clicked on one your ads, but doing that again and again is a strict no-no.
It is critical to understand that all you do, when dealing with Google, must be relevant in all aspects. You also want to have the best results, and so that translates into providing content that is relevant to your target market. If you want to achieve high click through rates, then make your site theme tight and relevant. Do take care to avoid placing too many ads on your site that are in excess of information. Do not approach things backwards by running ads with little content because Google needs to see what kind of content you have so they can match ads with it.
You can safeguard your account by logging on to it regularly and being on the lookout for any activity that seems suspicious. It’s crucial to let Google know if you ever notice something that looks wrong to you. You shouldn’t be afraid to bring a problem like this to their attention, as this isn’t something you’ll get into trouble for, especially if you’re completely up front about it. On the other hand, if you don’t inform them and they find out about it, this can make you look guilty and then your account could be permanently banned. Very many years ago, people did the keyword stuffing thing – terribly old-school and totally ineffective. There is some debate about the role that keyword density plays with regard to SEO, but still the one thing that you will not get away with is keyword stuffing. Different search engines have different criteria for keyword density, but no more than roughly 3% will be fine. Hopefully you have a better awareness of why you simply must make sure your Adsense account is protected at all times. It is really very simple, merely stick to their guidelines and procedures, and you will be fine.
Find out more about Bill Arnoldi of FireBall Information Technologies – FireBall Tech Tucson Computer Support and Core Business Strategies Online Marketing, an IT expert with over 18 years of experience in system design, networking and consulting and Website Marketing including SEO, SEM, WSO. and eConsulting.