The Technology behind 3D Televisions

Put simply, 3D technology works on the principle of creating two moving images, one to be seen by your left eye and one your right, which when brought together produce a three-dimensional moving image in our mind’s eye. This can only work by ensuring that each eye is only able to see the image it is supposed to, in other words one image for the right eye and one for the left, and this is achieved by filtering certain colours from one eye and not from the other, using specially designed glasses.

3D televisions are relatively new to the open market, despite the technology behind them being a few years old and being used to produce 3D films that have been enjoyed by cinema-goers sporadically since the 1950s. Customers wanting to enjoy 3D films, sports, and other television programmes can now do so in their own homes, thanks to 3D televisions from big brands such as Sony, Samsung, Panasonic and LG. When buying a 3D TV, customers will often find that the models available are LCD or LED TVs which are 3D-ready, just as most televisions are HD (High Definition) ready these days.

In order for the 3D technology to work, viewers will be required to wear glasses that filter out particular colours from each eye. Think back to when you were a child and you found a pair of 3D glasses in your box of cereal, put there so that you could enjoy 3D images on the back of the packet – these were almost always rectangular cardboard frames with one green plastic lens and one red plastic lens. The technology, while not as crudely designed as then, has remained largely the same, but these days the glasses are made with plastic frames and glass lenses, meaning that they last a lot longer and will take almost as much wear and tear as your current remote control does.

The LCD shutter glasses do not always come with the television set and consumers need to be aware that they may need to buy these separately. However, television programmes and films can be watched in 2D, on a 3D ready television when the glasses are not being worn, and televisions supporting 3D technology will often have a very high specification, giving viewers outstanding quality images in both 2D and 3D.

Panasonic 3D TVs are just one of the many well known and trusted brands that are sold online, with Cheap 3D TVs hard to come by then shopping online to get the best prices and deals is important so you don’t spend over the odds.

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