Police supply items – the things an officer needs to get them through their day.

One thing police officers need is Police supply items that will not only make their job easier but will help them do their job well and perform at 100%.

It may sound a simple statement of fact but police officers need Police supply items to get them through their shifts. Lasers, night vision goggles and even pencils and clipboards are all Police supply items and without these things, the police officers job is made more difficult than it needs to be. It’s not only things like batons, handcuffs and duty belts that officers need, they need apparel such as boots, high visibility vests and sometimes protective items such as body armour and shields. The range of duties an officer has is vast and they need to be able to cope with whatever is thrown at them.

No one would question that a police officer’s job is dangerous and filled with hazards. Many of us wouldn’t consider attempting the job they do, and anyone who puts himself or herself in that kind of danger every day deserves respect and thanks. Police officers are sworn to protect and serve and anything that helps them carry out that promise is vital. Police supply items help officers to uphold the law, whether it is restraining a dangerous felon or helping someone across a street, there are items they need for both. The handcuffs will do the job of restraint and their boots and comfortable uniform will help them with the simpler tasks.

Police officers have a history that goes back to London in 1829, that was where and when the first recognized police force was set up. The duties of a police officer then were to prevent crime and act as a deterrent, and they still do that today, but their duties are wide and varied in today’s world. Police supply items way back in 1829 would have been few and far between, they would rely on their uniform and the public visibility of the officers pounding the streets to prevent crime. Today the amount of kit an officer needs is huge, and can weigh in at quite a stack.

Keeping our cities and towns safe is paramount to a police officer and with the right Police supply items at their fingertips. Their job becomes a little easier. Obviously, the baton and restraints along with any side arm will act as a deterrent but sometimes even that isn’t enough. Police officers need to maintain contact with the precinct and other officers and will normally carry a radio. Without the constant contact with precinct and others, police officers are in far more danger. Boots, socks, batons, radios and handcuffs all mount up to a heavy load, especially if officers are on foot patrol.

The average officer will carry approx 9kg (2olbs) of kit with them on any given shift, and that is quite a lot of extra weight for the length of shifts they do. Officer’s safety is high on the list and many Police supply items will help maintain safety. The duty belt would ensure that all of the restraints or deterrents they need such as baton or pepper spray are at hand and can be reached quickly and easily. Without a doubt, our police officers do a tough job, and anything that can assist them in their tasks is a huge bonus. Police supply items all have a role to play in an officers duty days.

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