Tactical lights – a police officer’s best friend

Dark city streets or lonely unlit highways are dangerous places yet we expect police officers to patrol and work in such places. Tactical lights are what keep officers safe in the dark dangerous areas they patrol.

Tactical lights or as you and I would know them flashlights are essential kit for a police officer. You will see Tactical lights hanging from officer’s duty belts and vests and it will be rare for a patrol officer not to have one. Originally the Tactical lights an officer would carry would be little different from what you and I would own. Technological advances, new materials and manufacturing techniques have moved the humble flashlight in to a different zone altogether. Step up to the plate the Tactical lights available today. You wouldn’t think a flashlight could get very high tech but the changes are quite substantial.

Way back in the 80’s an officer would have to carry a heavy, large and cumbersome flashlight with them. They were so big they often doubled up as a weapon! The modern Tactical lights are much smaller, 4″ to 8″ as opposed to the 12″ long flashlight of the past. Tactical lights no longer have incandescent bulbs and indeed the halogen bulb is now very rarely used. New Tactical lights have LED lights in them and that gives them a superior light output with much less drain on battery.

A good quality tactical light on today’s market will almost certainly be made of Anodized aluminum because that gives strength and durability. The light output on even the smaller versions of Tactical lights is immense, with some lights having several different beam outputs. A high beam on Tactical lights can be used to temporarily blind someone an officer is trying to apprehend, and that can give the officer a huge advantage. Tactical lights are often used side by side a weapon to give high visibility and show an officer a target or potential danger.

Tactical lights are not something you will see everyday, and the high price of them will ensure that most of us can’t afford them. However as part of a police officer’s essential kit the Tactical lights are vital. Tactical lights can be mounted permanently to a weapon to be used as targeting, and that can give an officer an edge when going into an unknown situation. The Tactical lights come in a variety of different shapes and sizes and can be clipped unobtrusively to a duty belt or vest. Most Tactical lights offer a very high beam, which can be seen at great distance, and also illuminates larger areas. The level of intensity of LED light is why they are now the first choice in a tactical light.

Officers often work in unknown areas and do not know what they are going to deal with on a given day. Although there is no standard set of kit for an officer one thing they will all carry is a tactical light. The light is something they will not go on shift without. Dark dangerous alleys will be rendered passable with good Tactical lights. In the dark and unknown areas of a city an officer’s best friend is light and with the range of great Tactical lights available they should find just the friend they need.

Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for
Tactical Lights and many other items like Flashlights, Dash Lights, Deck Lights, Emergency lighting, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available – http://www.extremetacticaldynamics.com/

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