Japanese waste recycling and reuse of electrical system construction forum – waste electrical appliances, scrap appliances, home appliances recycling – HC Network Appliance Industry-hc360

"Japan's experience of dismantling waste electrical and electronic to be broken by the value of materials, recycling costs only about 1 / 20. This is a very low utilization of treatment, the cost of which is entirely environmental protection costs. "Japan NPO Eco promote such words Linxiu Chen introduced the governing body may make some attempt to seek the cause of environmental protection highly profitable business disappointed. However, the last four or five years, Lin Xiuchen where the NPO sector has been engaged in promoting eco-Asian countries in building environmental systems research project, which began last year, "China Project" has gained in China's recycling and waste electrical and electronic use has some say. He believes that a developing country like China, should recognize the recycling of waste products is a "very long chain", and in maximizing the value of which, the establishment of China's national conditions of recycling and reuse system.

8 3, order more than a year, "China Project" research summary, organized by the NPO sector eco-forward the "Sino-Japanese waste electrical and electronic product recycling and reuse system construction forum" in Beijing.

Depth analysis of China's national conditions

As a forum, supporting organizations, the Japanese Embassy to send representatives to attend the meeting, the Council, the representative province in Japan, serving the environmental industry, his views may be on the legislative branch of the Chinese government's most reference . He said: "If the system is not suited to their environmental characteristics, it is likely to be the country's environmental protection cause harm."

Recent years, with the popularity of green concept, waste electrical and electronic products, "resources" has been recognized many countries. Many developed countries have legislation, propaganda, waste electrical recycling technology to recycle waste electrical appliance such as the industrialization of developing a detailed management measures, many of which China can learn from successful experiences. However, the developed countries, the main approach is a one-time reduction of products as raw materials, further recycling. After years of research, Lin Xiuchen that the practice in developed countries have their level of economic development and consumer attitudes as a foundation, but it is not a way for China's national conditions.

"Appliance" is understood that Japan's annual recycling of waste electrical and electronic more than 20 million units, most of them into the recycling plant. Recycling business in Japan comprehensive annual processing capacity of about 1,000 million units, in addition to their recycling, there are 8 million to 900 million flows to Southeast Asia, plus a small part in second-hand goods market. No matter what channel after processing, are abandoned by Japan to implement the pay system. But China's situation is very different, most of the waste electrical and electronic all into the secondary market trading. As the purchasing power is limited, "abandoned pays system" is difficult to spread in China, but at this stage of Extended Producer Responsibility for products traded for the first time difficult to implement, not to mention second-hand products such "rights, responsibilities and interests" are clear, the special commodities.

In such cases, Linxiu Chen proposed a "maximum value of long-chain loop system" theory, and would like to find Chinese partners on the basis of the common study of Chinese waste electrical and electronic product recycling and reuse of system building. In the end, China Electronics Engineering Design Institute, China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, Dalian University of Technology and Hebei University of 4 units as the project implementing agencies in China to Linxiu Chen's theory, in-depth investigations throughout China. Currently, the project has completed preliminary research participants, and raised a number of electrical and electronic products recycling pilot program. "Electric" reporter noted that these experiments the "new" lies, the "Jiu Jiadian of quality improvement, repair and demolition of" design to the recycling plant. This is China's original recycling pilot enterprises dismantling features designed just very different.

Emphasis on the secondary market as a consensus

Linxiu Chen's "greatest value of long-chain cycle" theory, in fact he waste electrical and electronic "Resource Characteristics," a detailed, in his view, electrical and electronic products from factory to scrap, not just a simple "new products "and" waste "two states, but the performance was" EEE?? UEEE, SEEE, REEE, WEEE "There are several states (EEE, said electrical and electronic products, U that the use of, S said the re-use, R said the improvement , W said the waste).

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