How To Save Your Marriage Even If Everything Else So Far Has Failed You
There comes a time when your trying your best to save your marriage that you start to think that nothing is going to work and that your marriage is destined for divorce. Sometimes it just seems like it’s all too much to handle or you just don’t have it in you to see it through, or for that matter even see a clear solution in site. But, don’t lose all hope just yet, there are still things you can do to save your marriage that don’t involve counseling or for that matter that your spouse even participates.
A lot of times it’s the things that your doing, rather than the things that your not doing that stand in your way. Let’s run down a checklist here to make sure that your not doing some of the things that will keep you from saving your marriage:
Making decisions based off of panic or letting this feeling cloud your judgement
Crying and/or begging your spouse to stay in the marriage
Making promises to change on the condition that they stay in the marriage
Bothering your spouse at work or while their out with talks about the marriage
Making threats to harm yourself or damage your spouses belongings if they leave
Giving your spouse ultimatums ” If you do this, then I’ll do that”
Continuing to play the blame game back and forth with each other
Letting your emotions control what you do and say (anger, confusion, desperation, jealousy etc.)
Giving up, seemingly depressed or letting yourself go (laying in bed, not eating, not dressing yourself or properly keeping up with your grooming and hygiene, house, chores, kids etc.)
All of those things serve to negatively impact your efforts to save your marriage, knowing them and eliminating their ability to stand in your way of saving your marriage should be handled immediately.
The next part of saving your marriage is coming up with a good plan to do so. Some people think that counseling will help or that they should seek out expensive marital therapy sessions and or consider it the only means in which the marriage can be saved. But, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Although, there are good counselors out there, finding one is an expensive and debilitating battle in itself. Given the less than 10-20% success rate of counseling, it’s effectiveness in saving marriages is more than questionable to say the least.
The point is, don’t give up. There are plans out there to save your marriage, their just not mainstream and you don’t see them on the news. Nor, will you ever really come across someone at the water cooler so to speak that will open up about it and point you in the right direction. Just because other things have failed you, doesn’t mean there isn’t another way to do it that actually works.
It’s all up to you! If you don’t take this action to save your marriage, then who will?
The steps I discovered to save a troubled marriage from divorce have been so successful that it was featured on Dateline NBC and has nearly a 90% success rate! It works even when only one partner wants to save the marriage!
To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages then you can too! Click Here to see how it’s done…
All my best to you and your spouse!