Article Writing for Coaches – Get Started in 5 Easy Steps

As an online coach, you need more than just expertise in your chosen niche to get your desired number of sign ups. Aside from in-depth knowledge, you also need to know how to effectively sell yourself and your coaching programs in the online arena otherwise, there’s no way that your prospects will know about your offerings. One of the best ways to promote product awareness is writing web articles that you can use on your own website or on article directories. These articles will surely help you capture the attention of your prospects who are usually using the internet when they’re looking for useful information.

Not sure on how to create effective web articles? Then, take these 5 easy steps:

1. First step is to know how typical web articles are written. Remember, these are way different compare to news or magazine articles. Visit top article directories and read those articles that are compiled under “most popular” category. Read as many as you can and you’ll surely get an idea. List down your observations so you’ll have something to refer to the moment you start tapping on your keyboard.

2. Know the needs and demands of your target audience. Before you start writing, ask yourself this question “what does my target audience want me to write about?” It’s important that you talk about something that they consider interesting otherwise, they’ll ignore your articles. Writing web articles for several years have taught me that online users love reading those copies that talk about their problems, their goals, and their burning questions.

3. Create an outline. Writing web articles for the first time can be a bit confusing. To make it easier, I suggest that you can create an outline that you can use as a guide later on. Start by proposing at least 3 titles. You need to do this so you can limit the scope of your content ahead of time. Ensure that your proposed titles are attention-grabbing and well-written. Then, list down the main ideas that you’re going to cover. If you intend to offer tips for example, list them down in a logical manner so you will not forget any of them the moment you start writing.

4. Use conversational tone. Write your articles as if you’re directly talking to your readers to avoid alienating them. It’s recommended that you use simple terms and short sentences as this will help you ensure that your readers will easily get the message that you’re trying to get across. Also, keep your articles as short as possible. Ideally, they should only contain 400-600 words as the people you’re serving have very short attention span.

5. Offer useful information. This is the only thing that you can do to make sure that your articles will make some serious noise in the online arena. Fill them up with amazing information that will address the learning needs of your target audience. Then, proofread and edit them before you make them available in the World Wide Web.

Do you want to learn more about article marketing? If so, click here: SEO Article Marketing Services.

Also – do you want to read more articles? If so, go here: Article Writing Tips.

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