Do You Need Mac Antispyware
Windows machines are always bogged down by spyware and registry problems. Is there a need to repair registry Mac or spyware removal for Macs? The answer is here. You don’t need to fix Mac registry because the Mac has no registry. You don’t need spyware removal for Macs because Macs are not targets of spyware authors. Yes, that’s right, Macs don’t need spyware protection or registry maintenance.
Do you know that the Apple Macintosh market share is only 3.6 percent in 2010? This means that Mac users are in an exclusive club of users. This exclusive club is safe from being targeted by malware authors. This does not mean that Macs are inherently secure like Linux. The Mac users are safe because they don’t have a lot of users to bring the attention of malware authors.
Since Windows PCs have a huge user base, it is necessary to have adware and spyware removal tools. You don’t have the time to be a victim of credit card theft do you? That’s the set off when you want to use a popular platform used by millions. While Windows XP have a market share of 62.53 percent, Windows Vista with 15.26 percent, and Windows 7 with 12.67 percent market share, it is no wonder why we are a big target.
In addition to market share, we all know that Windows users are mostly new computer users who click on anything before reading properly. According to studies, a lot of Windows users tend to click on warnings and pop-ups before reading them properly. This is the reason why Windows users should have a good antivirus, a reliable firewall, and some combination of malware and spyware scanning tools. It will also help if your PC has an intrusion detection program. Heuristic scanning should be included in your antivirus to detect early exploits. And before we forget, your PC should have registry cleaners handy to maintain your PC.
Always bear in mind to use your common sense when surfing the web. To keep yourself safe, avoid using IE and just use the alternative browsers like Google Chrome. It is literally a jungle out there with thousands of malicious attackers ready to pounce at you with every chance that they get.
Luckily, no malware authors are targeting Mac and Linux systems. You can switch to a Mac or a Linux if you want to be safe online. Then again, Macs costs a lot and Linux can take a lot of knowledge. You can opt to switch computing platforms or just use security programs available to you. Just use all the security programs available to you if you don’t like to buy a Mac, or bother with Linux.
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