Diamond Lillies
Diamond Lillies is a truly stimulating visual experience! This piece incorporates many contrasting colors and beautiful subjects that make it very visually appealing. It uses bold, rounded highlight colors that keep the eyes moving across the canvas. It also uses bold colors that create a dynamic modern background. These different styles contrast one another in manner that is both fascinating and beautiful rather than strange and out of touch. The opposing colors and similar subjects create a balance that make the painting a soothing and elegant addition to any room helping to strike a balance between the busy world outside and the sanctuary of your home. The subject of the piece is a simple but graceful series of flowers, their petals slowly shifting to reveal the beautiful bud within. It is a subject that is delicate and soothing to view, but it’s unique, whimsical presentation in this piece makes it more fun to engage with and adds a buoyancy to the wall that it graces. It’s colors are vibrant and it’s lines are made bold with heavy black lining that make the soft subject matter really pop. The presentation of the piece is also tasteful and interesting, giving the subject a more luminous glow.
The lillies depicted in this piece are spread out over five separate canvases that are different sizes, however, when put together create a symmetrical masterpiece that is unusual and moving. The five canvases together they create an elegant, moving and organic series. The canvas design allows for a great many possibilities to display this unique piece. To view a great many more original canvas paintings that share some of the bold and distinct qualities of this one, try exploring our Landscape Canvas gallery. One piece that in particular that might appeal to you if you enjoy the organic and diverse shapes and bold colors of Diamond Lillies is Lonely Summer, a beautiful painting that will strike similar chords in any art lover.
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