Prevention Steps Toward Pregnancy Gingivitis
Gingivitis is also known as swollen gums. Most pregnant women attack by this infection because the gums of pregnant women are very sensitive and very susceptible to pregnancy gingivitis. This is due to the hormonal changes that happen in every pregnant woman where the blood is increased in the gums and becomes very irritable that can lead to swelling.
The periodontal infection that caused the gums to swell is the bacteria from the unwashed plaque from the teeth of the pregnant woman. There are times that we tend to forget to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums that can lead to periodontal infection. This infection may be very possible on the second trimester of the pregnancy.
This infection is normal to all pregnant woman that is why the have to be aware of it, not only to prevent this from happening but also to take the proper steps to prevent the infection progresses that can lead to something more serious. A pregnant woman must be dental conscious to avoid this infection, a regular dental check up can help and regular brushing of teeth and at least twice a day.
Drinking of warm salt water can reduce the pain that every pregnant woman will feel during the onset of infection. This also works as an effective prevention to prohibit the infection get worst. A pregnant woman rich in nutrition will also have the ability resist the infection. Vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, B, C, E, iron, calcium and others can well protect a pregnant woman from pregnancy gingivitis. These vitamins and minerals are present in fruits, cheese, milk, nuts, vegetables and other healthy foods.
One of the cause of pregnancy gingivitis is when a pregnant woman who vomits from morning to evening. A good prevention is to brush teeth every after vomit to ensure clean teeth and gums and avoid the pregnancy gingivitis.
Gingivitis can lead to something more delicate, this is called Periodontitis. Very serious infections that can cause a pregnant woman have a preterm emergency labor. With this king of condition, this must be given extra care and attention to avoid any difficult situation with the infection.
The gums will return to its normal condition after delivery of the baby including the bleeding and sensitivity of the gums however, if the irritation still occurs then it might mean something different and will need to call or contact your dentist for a specific treatment of gingivitis.
It is important to know everything that can affect you and your baby’s condition. Eat the right kinds of food which are considered nutritious or healthy.
There are a lot of things that can go wrong within your pregnancy, one thing that you need to keep an eye out for is pregnancy gingivitis. gingivitis during pregnancy is something you need to talk to your doctor about.