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5.What does creating an environment snapshot produce?
A. a new instance of an existing environment
B. a copy of an existing environment
C. a revision of an existing environment with a version number
D. a delta from the original environment
Answer: A
6.What is the best way to handle excessive step log output?
A. through direct use of the Build Forge API
B. by limiting the log data generated by the project steps
C. by upgrading the disk subsystem on the database server
D. through use of Build Forge Console clustering support
Answer: B
7.What happens when the dot command.set is used to assign a value to an environment variable?
A. The job environment value is changed on-the-fly.
B. The value of the master environment record is changed.
C. A new environment variable is created and added to the master environment record.
D. The value of the job environment is changed, but the change is lost when the job is finished.
Answer: B

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