Create your Outcome :Discover what you did
All too often we spend countless hours trying to figure out how to achieve what we want. Trying to figure out what needs to happen and how can we make it happen. We start to worry and end up feeling stressed and ultra focused on outcome.
But trying doesn’t work, regardless of what anyone says. Even trying your best doesn’t work.. don’t believe me? Try to pick up that pencil. Nope, I didn’t say pick it up I said try. Try your hardest. Keep trying..
Notice what happened? You just put all your energy and focus into picking up that pencil but you did not pick it up. Nothing happened. It just sat there regardless of how hard you tried. You failed in achieving what you wanted. You didn’t pick up that pencil. Because you were trying, not doing.
So what about doing? Have a go at it. Just do it. Pick up the pencil. Sure you picked it up but now what? Doing is certainly important but a why will take us to a whole new level. Do we want to feel the weight of it in our hand? To chew on while we think? Do we want to practice a magic trick? To draw or write..
Now imagine starting with a goal. “I want to pick up the pencil and draw that seedpod.” You begin to know the steps involved. You need to set up the seed pod, have a drawing pad and the right type of pencil. You might need some lighting and a glass of water, maybe a snack. Trouble is your mind might stop you. “But I am not so good at drawing”
So what if, instead of thinking about the outcome from before you start, you think about it from after you finished? What was it was like to draw? “I picked up a pencil and drew the seedpod. I captured the energy of the pod in my drawing and I loved doing it. First I handled the seedpod and looked at it, started to feel it and decided on using a fat pencil to draw it, etc.”
The end result will be more in line with what you want because you took the time to decipher how it would happen. You will be less likely to berate yourself for not being able to draw because you described drawing a way you knew you could. We are all hyper-aware of our limitations. Taking time to discover what you did means you can adjust for your perceived limitations, figure out what needs to happen to compensate for them or what steps need to happen so they can be overcome.
This works for things you already know how to do but also for things you don’t know how to do but want to – it is also great way to explore your goals for the year.
If you aren’t sure what your goals are then call me on 07 3255 0099- a session may be all you need to get you on your way to Creating the Life you want to Live!
Gay Landeta, based in Brisbane, Australia”” helps people create breakthroughs in their lives and their businesses. She offers kinesiology, personal and business development and Brain Gym workshops to help you stop struggling and start to love your life. Visit NOW to Create the Life you want to Live!