Fix Your Registry and Speed up your Computer
The physical memory makes your computer faster. However, there are some other things you can do to increase your PC via a computer speed memory boost. You can fix your Windows XP registry and speed up your PC. Can you fix the Windows XP Registry? Yes, you can fix the Windows XP registry. I’ll Show you the way to fix the registry.
First, you need to know what a Windows registry is in order for you to be able to know how to fix it. Basically, the registry is a storehouse of configurations in Windows. This means your Windows settings are stored in this database. Think of the registry as an information desk where the clerk knows all about your configurations. The basic problem with the registry is that it can get corrupted in time that you install or uninstall a lot of applications. What I mean is that every time you install or uninstall software in your Windows machine, you end up clogging the registry.
When your registry is clogged your system will slow down significantly. You can buy more ram to speed up your PC. What if you are not technically able to put in ram to your PC or laptop? You can definitely repair your registry and speed up your PC.
It was not long ago when the only option to repair the registry was to hack it manually. Yes, in fact a lot of hardcore windows users today still tinker with the registry by hand. I cannot advocate hacking the registry because it can really destroy your Windows install. Once you damaged the registry it will take a lot to restore your Windows to normal. A lot of people just opt to reformat and re-install windows than to futz around with some tedious fix. I therefore urge you not to manually tinker with your registry.
What you can do is to get yourself a registry cleaner. Registry cleaners are a dime a dozen these days so better be careful when choosing one. Your registry scanner should have a built in system restore. In addition, a good registry cleaner must not only remove orphaned and invalid registry entries, it should also remove malicious entries.
Needless to say, all you need nowadays is to press the scan button and the registry scanner will do the rest to find and destroy invalid entries. Luckily, we don’t need to manually tinker with the registry anymore. As computer advances, all we really need to do is push buttons, sit back, and relax why we wait for results. While this is lazy, I do not suggest that you manually fix your registry.
James Knox
How to Cleanup your Registry
XP Registry Repair