Exercise for Disabled: Benefits of a Good Routine
The benefits that are brought by physical activities are not only for people that can walk. If you are a disabled you can get more benefits from it than a normal person. This is because by being confined to a wheelchair, you are more likely to have difficulties in managing your weight. You are also more prone to such diseases such as hypertension or heart disease, because of the lack of physical activity brought by the confinement. An exercise for disabled persons enhances self-esteem and lessens stress, thereby making you a more positive person. However, before engaging in any exercise program, a trip to the doctor should be the first thing you should do. This will make sure that there are no medical conditions that will make it dangerous for you to engage in physical activities. Consulting with a specialist in physical rehabilitation and medicine would also be beneficial. These medical professionals will be able to guide you on the kind of activities that are most suitable for your particular disability.
There are sports and exercises that are suited for people with disability nowadays. Even if you are no longer able to walk, you can still engage in a number of activities such as swimming. Although you may not be able to ride in a stationary bike anymore, you still have use of your upper body and do hand cycling. With a hand cycle, you use your arms and not your legs to operate the stationary bike. This will give you a good aerobic workout that is beneficial in burning off unwanted calories.
Do not forget to include strength training in your program. Building and toning your muscles is not only beneficial for strength, it also contributes to weight loss since more calories are burned off if you have more muscles. If you have can still use your upper body, you use free weights to build up your muscles. If you can go to a gym, there may be machines there that were designed for use by the disabled. However, even without special equipments, it would still be possible for you to strengthen your muscles. You can make use of anything that has weight for exercising. It would be best if you could have a physical therapist or a trainer for the first two or three sessions, so that you can be guided on the proper course of action.
As you decide on a set of exercises, do not forget to include flexibility exercises. This will lessen the chances of injury while doing an exercise and improve your flexibility as well.
To know more about exercise for disabled and other issues concerning people who have physical disabilities, click on <a href=“http:www.disabledslimmingguide.com”>www.disabledslimmingguide.com</a>