MOD to AVI Converter for Mac, convert JVC/Canon/Panasonic MOD to AVI on Mac

MOD is the informal name of tapeless video format used by JVC, Panasonic and Canon in some models of digital camcorders. TO view MOD video on a computer, you need a player that is capable of reproducing MPEG-2 video. Any other solution available?

Why convert MOD to AVI?
AVI is a file format that can play well on Mac with many free players such as VLC Media Player, Mplayer, Windows Media Player 9, Perian(free QuickTime component).

Mac MOD to AVI Converter is the recommendable application designed for Mac users to play MOD files on Mac. With this splendid software, you can efficiently and comprehensively convert JVC Everio/Canon FS/Panasonic D-Snap SD-Card recorded MOD format to AVI file format to view/play freely on Snow Leopard with VLC Media Player, Mplayer, Windows Media Player 9 and Perian (free QuickTime compenent).

Step-by-Step guide: How to convert JVC/Canon/Panasonic MOD to AVI on Snow Leopard?

Step 1: Download Mac Mod to AVI Converter

Step 2: Add your .MOD files that are ready to convert.

This Mod to AVI Converter for Mac supports batch conversion so that you can convert several .MOD files at a time.

Step 3: Specify out file format.

Click “Profile” drop-down menu and select “AVI” as the output file format.

Step 4:  Join separate MOD file clips into one single file.

With Mod to AVI Converter for Mac, you can join several .MOD files into one video file by checking “” on the main interface.

Step 5: Convert MOD to AVI Mac.

Click “Convert” button to convert JVC/Canon/Panasonic MOD files to AVI format to play/view on Mac.

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