3 Hockey Safety Tips You Need To Know

The nature of ice hockey is one that doesn’t allow the possibility of preventing all potential injuries. There are flying hockey sticks, sharp blades on skates, and a hard rubber puck that is frozen before games. The minimum result of a stray hit by a hockey puck is a not so nice bruise. Keep in mind that this is a best case scenario. Of course, there are other considerations like pulls and sprains to consider. Yes, hockey is fraught with hidden dangers that are always present. It’s really important for players to be mentally aware and watch out for danger. Take note of these safety tips to make hockey a safer all around experience.

One of the most vital elements of your safety gear is the hockey helmet.

Obviously an injury to your head can lead to all kinds of very serious injuries and even death. In fact, it was the fatal head injury a pro hockey player sustained that led to the rule that all NHL players need to sport helmets. He died as a result of falling over backwards and hitting his head on the ice. Therefore, when purchasing a helmet, you must ensure that it is certified by the Hockey Equipment Certification Council or the HECC. You need to make sure your helmet also has a protective mask welded on to it as this is a requirement. Your helmet should be a good fit and always make sure that the strap is fastened during play.

We are certain that you are fond of your teeth and would prefer to keep them in your mouth. That is why a mouth-guard is a really good piece of safety gear you want to wear. Although, this piece of equipment won’t be shielding just your teeth from damage. There is your tongue, gums and lips that are also important to you, we know.

If you should get hit in the mouth area by a flying puck or stick, then you will still get hurt to some degree. On the other hand, a mouth-guard will provide you with some protection against your teeth getting knocked out of your mouth. This type of injury will inevitably lead to the need for some dental work to repair the damage.

Whether you play hockey yourself or have a child in the sport, these hockey tips will help you play it safe. Avoiding injuries means a longer season and more time on the ice for you. Safety is important for children of all ages playing hockey whether it’s their first season or their tenth. Protective gear only protects from some of the dangers of hockey. Keep in mind that not all leagues have the same rules regarding safety. It’s important that players of all levels in all sports take safety seriously. Younger players though often need additional safety equipment to ensure the best possible sports experience. One thing that is important is for parents to be involved if their child plays youth league hockey. It’s best that you both take the time to learn about potential injuries that can occur and how important proper equipment is to protect against them.

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