Reduce Cholesterol | Vasacor
Reduce Cholesterol for a Longer and Healthier Life
Cholesterol is waxy substance that is essential in many biological processes. Cholesterol helps maintain the cell membranes of animals. It is also used in manufacturing steroids, sex hormones, certain vitamins and bile salts. Still another important function of cholesterol is maintaining the proper functioning of the brain and nerves. Indeed, cholesterol plays vital role in the body and is therefore an indispensable compound. But then again, there have been calls from health experts to reduce cholesterol. The efforts to reduce cholesterol are mainly due to the health risks it poses, specifically on the cardiovascular system. Living longer and healthier means having a healthy and well-functioning heart and thus one should avoid the factors that cause heart diseases.
Reduce Cholesterol Level To Avoid Heart Diseases
The body has two types of cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is known as the bad cholesterol because it transports cholesterol in the bloodstream and allows it to be deposited in the walls of the arteries. LDL cholesterol transports about two thirds of the total cholesterol and thus if its level increases, the risk for atherosclerosis also increases. In contrast, HDL cholesterol protects the arteries and the cardiovascular system. It transports cholesterol away from the arteries and to liver for excretion. Healthy levels of cholesterol are necessary for a healthy heart and this can be achieved by consciously exerting effort to reduce cholesterol.
The levels of HDL cholesterol can be adversely affected by diet and other factors. Conversely, LDL cholesterol increases with dietary intake of fat. This can be attributed to the ability of the body to utilize dietary fat in producing LDL cholesterol. Since LDL cholesterol promotes development of atherosclerosis, one could reduce cholesterol level by avoiding intake of fatty foods. Changing from high-fat diet to low-fat diet is just one approach to reduce cholesterol naturally. People with high cholesterol have higher risk for heart diseases and stroke hence they should examine if their diet has been responsible for the unhealthy levels, and must then start to reduce cholesterol levels.
Natural Approach to Reduce Cholesterol is Effective
Cholesterol lowering medications are developed to help reduce cholesterol. While these medications proved to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels, these medications have associated risks. That is, it has been found that cholesterol medications cause adverse side effects. Essentially, people may opt to change their lifestyle and diet to reduce cholesterol naturally. Dietary and lifestyle changes are considered as the most effective and safest way to avoid the health consequences of high cholesterol. Cutting a significant percentage of fat from the diet could reduce cholesterol, but if it is done in combination with regular exercise, tremendous health benefits could be reaped. Moreover, the development of cholesterol supplements offers more options to reduce cholesterol naturally. Unlike medications, cholesterol supplements are all-natural and do not have any side effects.
To learn how to Reduce Cholesterol, visit
About author:
Amar works as a copy writer, specializes in promoting websites for highly competitive keywords like Natural Cholesterol Reduction.