Great hi-tech conveniences to be thankful for!

As our lives become more hi-tech and wired, it’s easy to think of great digital solutions to most of our day to day problems. Lost in a new suburb? Forget asking for directions just pull up Google Maps on your phone. Looking for a new fitness regime? The traditional ideas of going for a run or doing some sit ups have been replaced with the interactive Wii Fit or even a simple iPhone application.

Here are some of examples of great hi-tech conveniences that have made our lives just that little bit easier.

– Reading the news – many of us prefer now prefer to get our news online with news sites like the BBC and the New York Times being among the most visited websites on the web. Meanwhile, the latest tablet applications have made news reading more mobile than ever, certainly a dream come true for commuters trying to read an A2 broadsheet on the train.

– Waiting – remember the days when you arranged to meet a friend at 10:00 am on the Town Hall steps? You showed up at 10:00 am – if not earlier – or you had better have spent some time coming up with a good excuse for being late. These days, mobile phones have made it easy to change plans and rearrange schedules – so you can pop into the local café for a coffee if your partner’s running late, instead of standing out the front in the cold.

– Commercials – television will always have advertising and commercials, but today’s technology means we no longer have to sit through them. TiVo gives you the ability to skip over ads while catch-up television online means they don’t have to be a part of our viewing experience in the first place.

– Remembering dates and numbers – mobile technology has made it easier to keep track of important days and dates, so you’ll never miss an anniversary or birthday again! Meanwhile, the need to create wacky pneumonic devices to remember people’s phone numbers is also a thing of the past – the only downside is when your memory gets wiped out and you really don’ t have any clue of where to even start building your contact list again (except to ask everyone on Facebook!)

– Staying in touch – speaking of Facebook, school reunions used to be full of surprises and shocks as classmates who hadn’t seen each other for years tried to pick each other out of the crowd. These days of course, social networking has made staying in touch a breeze, so you can be just as on top of the day to day life of your BFF from primary school as you are of your own brother or sister.

It’s easy to take for granted some of the simplest benefits of technological conveniences from video conferencing to the ability to back-up all your work online with your Samsung laptop rental. What modern day conveniences do you enjoy about technology?

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