Here’s An Idea: Start A Blog Using Video a.k.a. Vlogging!
Video blogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet. Everybody knows about text blogging. Now they use videos for a better way of expression. This form of communication may entail a lot of resources, but it is all worth it. If pictures say a thousand words, video blogging exceeds that by far.
For the personal video blog, Youtube works very well. For some people it is just easier to sit in front of a camera, record themselves talking, and then upload the video. Not to mention for many browsers out there sometimes it is just fun to browse around Youtube and be entertained in three to eight minute segments.
Now if you put this on a business prospective, you can see a a lot of benefits. Think of it as a powerful method in showing your prospective customers your line of products or your services. It’s just like showing a commercial but for free.
You can almost think of it as books versus movies or books versus television. Did you ever have to read a book in high school and then opted to watch the movie instead? This is similar, except you are controlling the movie. You can sum up the salient points in your video and even offer a link for more information and direct that link towards your whitepaper or article.
Starting a video blog is also quite cheap. Most people have digital cameras which can shoot video. That is sufficient for getting started. A computer with an internet connection is needed to upload the videos. The final piece is video editing software to edit the video together if you do not want to upload the raw video. MacOS and Windows OS both come with some great free video editing software. I have used both iMovie (Mac) and Windows Movie Maker (Windows) and they both are definitely sufficient for video blogging.
Video blogging can be just as simple as you sitting in front of your camera talking. You can also incorporate photos into your video or other videos into your video. With some practice you can put together some very professional looking videos for your video blog! From a small business standpoint, you can definitely use this as a tool to build your business. For online journaling, it’s just a way to get more exposure and have more fun.
So go shoot that first video, take the plunge, and start a blog with videos!
So just how do you start a blog? Come to Emil Yau’s site and watch his free video where he will show you step-by-step how to start a blog and post to it right in front of your eyes in about only 10 minutes!