The Destructive Consequences of Bulimia On The Body And Exactly What You Can Do
Approximately ninety percent of bulimia conditions occurs in young women, and this problem which affects eating patterns can sometimes be fatal. The expression of this affliction is food binging accompanied by self induced vomiting. A number of bulimics will get rid of what they’ve eaten by using laxatives. Many bulimics have essentially normal weight profiles at the beginning, yet they still think of themselves as fat. There are abnormally distorted ideas regarding food and being too heavy. What is often noticed in girls is for bulimia to happen in the years subsequent to puberty. You’ll find other issues related and possibly contributing to this condition including pressures, depression, low self esteem and others.
The untreated bulimic can experience life threatening lack of ample nutrition and too much loss of fluids. This disorder can strike almost anyone if the circumstances are right, and some famous women have passed on from the problems of bulimia. The artist, Karen Carpenter, attempted to overcome bulimia for a number of years. Unfortunately she ultimately died of heart failure as a result of the devastating effects this condition can exact on the body. That’s why bulimia has to be treated as quickly as possible, and it is absolutely treatable which is great.
But if treatment does not occur, then a long term situation can result in dangerously low ranges of nutrients. If there is substantial abuse of laxatives, consequently that can produce chronic constipation. Other associated side effects are injury to throat and mouth tissue from the stomach acid. In addition, that acid causes early tooth decay and perhaps serious problems involving the gums. Of course life threatening situations involve heart and kidney damage. Our systems need a specific amount of electrolytes for health, and that is what can be lost due to dehydration. Excessive loss of electrolytes for too much of a period of time may cause heart attack and death. The approximate fatality rate due to bulimia is normally ten percent.
Dealing with bulimia is a group effort that includes the family members and patient, medical professionals such as general physician and mental health professionals for mental health care. In addition, it can be helpful to involve a licensed dietician so the appropriate diet can be given to help restore the body. The problems involving food are exclusively addressed with proper psychological assistance. Additional efforts will concentrate on education and recognition of the destructive nature of bulimia. Possibly all patients possess their own personal problems that have contributed, and health professionals will try to help them deal with or manage those problems. One vital area of work is going to be to motivate the patient to relate in a more open manner and focus on his or her feelings.
Bulimia might be fatal, but it can also be successfully beaten and resolved. The patient’s family need to be engaged and provide as much assistance as possible. Other very helpful strategies for gaining support from others includes group therapy. The overall key element to victory with bulimia is when the person struggling with it can state that he or she has this condition. It’s also very important for this person to realize that a very dangerous belief toward food and eating prevails.
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