Top Xoom Video Converter – Play MPG Movie Files on Motorola Xoom

When surfing online, we found there are lots of people having the puzzles about how to play MPG movie files on its native media apps of Motorola Xoom. The article will do a favor for you. In fact, the Motorola Xoom’s native media apps can only play limited video/audio formats, like H.264, H.263, MPEG-4, MP3, AAC, ACC+ Enhanced, OGG, MIDI, AMR NB, AAC+.

So, if you want to play movies in MPG format on Xoom’s native player you have to convert MPG movie files to the Xoom supported media formats. The top Motorola Xoom Video ConverterFoxreal Video Converter is recommended here, which is powerful to convert MPG to H.264 MP4 compatible with Xoom with high definition quality.

Below is the step-by-step guide on how to convert and transfer MPG movies to Xoom with a simple way.

Step 1: Run Foxreal Video Converter as the perfect MPG to Xoom Converter and add the MPG files you want to convert into it.

Step 2: Set output format for Motorola Xoom

1) Click on “Format < Android < Motorola Droid (x) H.264 Video (*.mp4)

2) Click on “Settings” to choose the Size (pix) as 1280×754 recommended for full-screen playback on Xoom.

3) Click on “Save” to finish the Xoom format settings. (Or, you can click on “Save as” to rename and save the profile settings as Motorola Xoom H.264 Video (*.mp4) for next use in Custom category of “Format“.)

Step 3: Click on “Convert” to beginning MPG to H.264 MP4 conversion at once.

Step 4: After the above MPG conversion, you could easily transfer the converted .mpg movie files into the Gallery of your Xoom for playing. In addition, due to the Android file size limitaion, please make sure the file size will be not more than 4GBs before transferring.

That’s all! Hope the guide of playing MPG movies on Xoom helps!

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