Dental Fillings – An Overview of Options
A tooth damaged by decay and cavities can be restored back to its normal function and shape with a filling. A wide choice of fillings is available, including amalgam, gold, silver, porcelain and composite resins. Each has its pros and cons and fall within a broad range in cost.
Before giving you a filling, your dentist will remove the decayed tooth material and clean the affected area. This procedure would most likely be performed under local anesthetic to numb the area around the decayed tooth. Some dentists use a conventional dental drill for this stage. Others may use an air abrasion instrument or a laser drill. Once the decayed area is removed, the dentist prepares the space for the filling by cleaning the cavity of bacteria and debris. Then it is time for the filling.
However, if the decay is close to the root of your tooth, your dentist will decide to put in a liner before the filling to protect your tooth nerve. These are usually made of composite resin, glass ionomer or some other material. Then only he or she will fill out the cavity with a filling material.
A filling closes off gaps which will allow bacteria reenter your tooth and help prevent further decay. It will also prevent your tooth from becoming overly sensitive to certain types of food.
A choice of filling
There are a number of options for you to pick from when deciding upon a material for your fillings. These include
- Gold
- Silver amalgam – Containing mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper
- Porcelain
- Composite resin – Made of tooth-colored plastic and glass materials
The type of filling that is suitable for you can be decided by you, with advice from your dentist. The factors that need to be taken into consideration when choosing a filling material include:
- Where the tooth is located (front, back etc.)
- Extent of the decay (because some fillers have limitations of strength and durability)
- Cost of the filling material
- Your insurance coverage
- Your preferences in terms of looks
- Durability of material
- And the recommendation of your dentist on what type of filling is best suited for the occasion.
As mentioned earlier, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of dental filling materials. Some are costly while others are affordable. Some are long lasting compared to alternatives. Others may need additional procedures and take a longer time to complete. Some people dislike colored teeth and prefer a white filling.
Once you and your dentist agree and the filling is complete, the dentist will polish the filling to make it appear smooth. It also needs to feel smooth to your tongue.
You can read more about the different types of fillings in our article section.