Implementing ERP To Increase Company’s Productivity and Profitability
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an information system created for the management of all kinds of enterprises. It has been created to coordinate all the activities, information, and resources required by a complete business process. ERP can be described as a business management integrated in the companies’ business process. It has been created to cover all the required concepts and techniques, too.
The common stand-alone software was created to meet specific needs. Stand alone software has a limited functionality and it works independently without any connection with other departments. Unlike stand-alone applications, ERP has been created to take into account numerous departments and to combine their systems in a unique unit, allowing an easy communication between management, clients and departments.
At first ERP software was considered an expensive affair so only the Multi National Companies could afford implementing it. At present more and more companies all over the world have chosen to implement ERP package. More on, it is foreseen that more than of a half of the companies will be going in for implementing an ERP package because ERP software will be a must in order to gain an important advantage in the competitive business environment.
The present ERP solutions come with a series of great features. They are customized and they are able to cover all the important activities from a company, no matter if it is a small firm, a medium enterprise or a multinational company. ERP solution includes a software system that starts from the easiest and less important process to the most difficult and important ones. This system is able to handle important facilities as: purchase, customer complaints, HR, accounting and finance, marketing, inventory, sales, tax details as sales tax, excise, export and VAT documentation. More on, the ERP system is able to maintain all these having a high level of access and security control. And not in the end, it has the great ability to increase the productivity and the profits.
ERP solutions offer great benefits to the companies that chose to implement it in their system.
One of the great advantages of ERP solutions is the fact that they ensure the great execution of all the company’s business processes and increase the productivity and the efficiency of the customer service. ERP software is of a great help in analyzing, planning and forecasting the company’s activities assuring a clear and complete view from all points of view.
ERP software also facilitates the flow of the information between different sections and departments of the company. It is able to connect all the business premises and to offer a complete and consolidated view.
ERP is also able to connect the suppliers, the business partners, and the clients allowing a greater collaboration.
It is also of a great help in managing cost effectively and efficiently the money flow, the man power, the stock, and not in the end, the machinery.
ERP also assures a great level of privacy protection and security. Data share is assured by firm access rights.
ERP comes along a series of intelligence tools as Early Warning Systems, Decision Support System, Reporting Data Mining, and Executive Information Support to improve the business process.
The modern business environment needs powerful tools. In order to remain competitive a company needs intelligent tools and software that provide it a greater control over the entire business process.
Read about ERP Benefits. Also know about SAP ERP Review.