James Hicks Marketing Strategies For Prosperity

I’ve been spending a lot of time recently hunting and researching online marketing and looking for ways to build my mlm business online. Whilst I was searching around I came across many so called ‘mentors’ and gurus however most of them didn’t seem to be too interested in helping me. Many of them just seemed to be hiding behind their computers and personal contact was impossible even though they proclaimed that they were happy to speak to you directly. I was drawing up a list of marketing experts that might be able to assist me, James Hicks was one on my rather short list.

I’m in the mlm industry and was trying to figure a way I could build my business online, The long and short of it is that I arrived at the mlm training website of James Hicks. He’s been building his mlm on the internet now for about 7 short months, he in that time has developed quite an astonishing downline. Having begun from pretty much nothing he has created some impressive figures and it’s been achieved all using free strategies! He uses methods of marketing that are little used but very effective. I have found him to be very down to earth and genuine.

James Hicks uses content marketing to promote his business and gets a lot of traffic to his websites using press releases, articles and videos. By using these methods his content gets found by a lot of people, He also practises Mike Dillards Magnetic sponsoring principles and I was recommended to obtain this product. Having read this little book called Magnetic Sponsoring I highly commend it to you it will change the way you think about doing business forever!

I have listed below some of the methods I have learned from James Hicks

– The law of Attraction
– Creating valuable content that will make folks want to take action and join your business
– Social networking and using such networks to promote your content and brand
– The vital importance of creating your own online presence and branding You and not your business
– How to follow up with prospects effectively via email and telephone
– Having prospects calling you to join your business rather than the other way round

When marketing on the internet it’s very important that you market and brand YOU rather than your business. The internet is already swamped with standard company websites in the hope of making sales and signing up distributors. Unfortunately it does not work that way, you see people are only going to buy from those that they know and trust. So the key here is to brand yourself and have your very own blog or website which is all about you and offer real useful information and ask that person to opt in to your subscriber list. This way you will begin to build your own list of prospects that you can begin to build a relationship with. If you do this right then you can sell useful products to that list over and over. I learnt these methods from James Hicks and I can certainly see the logic of it.

If you are looking to seriously increase the success in your business then hopefully my article will offer some valid pointers. Certainly if you are seeking a good mentor then the training of James Hicks is second to none.

If you are searching for the strategies that you can use for free to literally explode your network marketing business on the internet then I would advocate visiting the blog of my mentor James Hicks. You can also discover him on his James Hicks Twitter page. Best regards to you and your business!

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