Taxus brand red beans into the pot Expo officially leaves – red beans group, yew, the Expo – the HVAC industry

HC HVAC & R Network  At 8 o'clock on the March 10, from the Shanghai World Expo will be only 52 days, Jiangsu yew seedling beans group workshop, two meters tall rows of steel racks and pots are placed in neat red bean pot license yew ready to go, green, and tender leaves both sides happy to stretch the pleasure in telling you they will be proud of into the China Pavilion to show the world eco-development of Chinese enterprises in the excellent results.

Leadership speech ( HC HVAC Refrigeration Network with map)

Brand red beans the previous year into Zhongnanhai, the yew plants, why can enter this year's Expo? Original yew called "panda plant", but extremely slow growth, the growth of wild yew 1 cm in diameter for 10 years, it has been recognized as the world's rare and endangered natural anti-cancer plant. This time into the China Pavilion of the red bean pot license yew is red bean group after 10 years of time, using technology cultivated yew seed germination success of Taxus, which is red bean pot Taxus license the core technology, access to national patent , here is the largest international yew seedling nurseries.

Hongdou Group not only through technical training the artificial cultivation of the large yew, Taxus also propagated from field to pot cultivation, so yew into the interior of this rare plant successfully, into the people. Last year in October, the German expert ANDREASROLOFF yew Taxus study group to the red beans, when you see the pots of potted yew, the surprise to say: walk the world in many countries, both as a way of yew seedlings, used in urban greening, Park Green, no for interior decoration, the red bean group to yew as indoor bonsai, the idea is very good, which is conducive to purifying Indoor Air To the health of mankind has created tremendous wealth.

Yew About Expo (HC HVAC With air conditioning and refrigeration network map)

Hongdou Group Chairman of the Board go through the briefing, red bean group 10 years ago found that not only extract of Taxus paclitaxel, can also absorb poisonous and harmful gases in the air, is the tree of human health, while another endangered species of wild yew, so I decided Artificial cultivating, planting of yew, and the determination to this healthy tree planting pot. Now, the red bean group workshop with yew seedlings, cultivated yew have a standardized process, also registered "beans" as the product trademark, the brand operation, successfully achieved yew agricultural modernization, industrialization of agriculture. Red beans into Zhongnanhai brand potted yew can walk into the Expo, this is a coincidence, is also inevitable, because it represents a remarkable result of the development of human ecology.

It is understood that before this, the Shanghai World Expo Bureau and plant experts have repeatedly led to the red bean group study yew. Ultimate experts believe the rare yew, magic effects, and red bean pot Taxus brand, but also represents the modern human civilization, and to highlight the World Expo "City Better Life" theme, the final selection Expo China Pavilion Exhibition of rare plants. And yew Expo 5 months period, the red bean pot Taxus brand will remain in the China Pavilion exhibition, visitors will learn more about this rare plant.

Red bean group, according to the relevant person in charge, when the bean pot card to confirm selected Taxus after the China Pavilion, the exhibition of these were hand yew conservation and management, and designed a set of World Expo yew bonsai maintenance program, During the World Expo will send professional maintenance staff, bonsai yew do regular cleaning maintenance work to ensure that the viewing bonsai museum.

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