Requirements and Specifications during Web Development
Before starting to create a website it is very necessary to know certain things like the purpose of creating the site, the requirements of the site, specifications according to the requirements and proper planning is needed to be done according to the needs such as about web designing and web development. To understand client’s system requirements is very necessary before starting with creating the website.
Requirements of the project can be broadly divided into three main phases or stages:
1] Rough Proposal Stage:
During this stage, first meeting with the customer is to be done and general requirements of the project should be gathered from them by the software development company. It should be known that whether the project is economically and technically feasible. According to the requirements of the client, the rough quotation should be established by the company. And your customer also gets a chance during this meeting to analyze your company’s abilities so it is easy for him/her to make decision about handling his project. This first meeting is very important for both parties – customer and Software Development Company.
2] Determining Exact Specification:
Before creating a contract, this stage is very important. During this stage of Web Development the exact features and the précised layouts of the end products should be known and that should be specified in the document that is used as an attachment or proof to the software development contract. This document is called as SRS that is Software Requirements Specifications. It is basically an organization written understanding of a customer or client’s system requirements at a particular point of time prior to actual design or development work. It’s a written document that assures that both – client and the organization understand the requirements of each other at a given point of time.
This document states the functions and capabilities of a software system which include software application, ecommerce website and so on, it should also state any constraints if required. In short, SRS acts as a blueprint for completing the project with as lowest cost as possible. It provides all project management documents like design specifications, work statements, software architecture specifications, testing plans and documentation plans, and other things related to the project.
The major goals of creating SRS are – it provides feedback to the clients, it organizes information and ideas of the project, serves as an input to the design specification, and serves as a product validation check.
3] Interpretation by Software Developers:
Only preparing SRS document is not enough for software developers to start with coding as they tend to make mistakes if they do that. So before that they have to interpret the SRS and write, feature or design a specification which is mostly called SDS that is Software Design Specification. This documentation is done by developers who are going to work on that particular project and then it is checked by Project Manager. The writing of SDS is very important for the development team as by doing that they get in-depth overall scenario of the project and also get some idea about the testing strategies.
So these are the three important stages which are very important while knowing the requirements and specifications during the development process of the website.