Remedies For Morning Sickness- Relieve Morning Sickness Today!
Are you tired of getting up in the morning when you feel sick and dizzy? They say morning sickness – but it can actually last all day. And if you are unlucky it won’t end after 6-10 weeks. I want to share with you few helpful remedies for morning sickness and help to make your life easier during the pregnancy!
Except the ginger and peppermint, which are excellent remedies for morning sickness, there are also fruits that will decrease the nausea. When you feel sick take a peace of lemon – everyone knows lemon helps to relive the sickness. Also you an eat apples and bananas to keep your blood sugar level high and this way to avoid the morning sickness.
Eating a little in the morning can be helpful, but eating before you go to sleep it’s even more important. A little snack will do the job and prevent you from throwing up in the morning. I also suggest you to eat small meals through the day and even snack around sometimes. An empty stomach will set off the morning sickness again so you should avoid being hungry!
There are few things you need to stay away from. Caffeine will make you sick so you should definitely avoid drinking coffee. I also suggest you to drink not caffeinated tea – ginger or peppermint tea will be great! Fried food or spicy sausages should be also avoided because of the strong smell they have.
Avoid being in closed and unventilated places. Breathing a fresh air is excellent remedy for morning sickness so every time you feel dizzy or sick you can just open the window to let the air into the room.
There is another remedy for morning sickness. It’s not well known in the western world but Chinese women were always using it to deal with the nausea during pregnancy. This method based on the alternative medicine and by studies it’s affective for 95% of pregnant women. You can use it everywhere since all you need is your thumb.
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