Marketing on: Appliance brand "changing face" of business sense – home appliance brand, appliance sales – Network Appliance Industry

We now live in a high degree of consumer society, all highly commercialized, many products or "potential products," "product idea" would rapidly be transformed into products, to occupy our brain's "memory consumption"; everything is high technology, technology advances will soon be physical function level product, "leading" or "difference" rapid "homogenization." These two factors forced the company must strive to create products other than physical features brand "scarcity value."

Brand "scarcity value" refers to the brand in particular has, but other brands do not have a "different character." Brand "scarcity value" of mainly skills and ideas from the brand constitutes a "scarce assets", it is difficult to copy. Has "scarcity value" of the brand than the lack of "Scarcity value" of the brand more competitive, but also more brand value.

Brand Why change her face? First, the aging brand. Life-growing brand, when the less sense of innovation, it will gradually aging; one has "scarcity value" of the brand would have been competitors to follow, attack, the brand's "scarcity value" gradually and similar competitors. In this state, the brand should be "change her face."

Second, for value innovation. Brand symbols convey a "value proposition", a brand of "value proposition" in the brand is not eternal life, the business environment will change with the update. When an enterprise in a certain time to update "value proposition", the brand symbol also need to "change her face."

Such as the recent Shenzhou companies and international brand agencies, the need for a new brand of visual symbols to convey new ideas. After 22 years on the Mainland of China has been in the field of gas with high-end brand positioning and with the world's developed countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the United States, closely related to the analysis, it marks and the audience in between Divine refined to create a "Divine lion" totemic symbols. Lion Brand to become the Divine symbols totem symbolizes Divine brand in China gas industry has a "leadership brand" status, one can enhance the image memory; Second, branding extravagance psychologically conquer consumer brands to create Shenzhou strong value.

After changing face value of the brand management

After changing face brand management is an important brand asset management systems engineering. Need for strategic domestic and international media organizations had some "brand change her face," to track after the company found that, after the success of the brand change her face, and the score of the following elements:

"Brand change her face," the value of the brand management business mainly in two aspects:

First external communication management. External means of communication used for advertising, public relations activities and marketing aspects of the "changing face" to be realized.

Second, internal communication management. The establishment of a value within the enterprise management system to ensure that new employees sign a Shenzhou communicator.

A "brand change her face", the "value proposition" there will be innovation. But it must be with the old brand "scarcity value" there is a continuation of contact would result if the total negation of the original brand "scarcity value" of assets sank. A "brand change her face", it should arouse the brand's "scarcity value", so to enlarge, update, rather than reinvent the wheel, more importantly, to establish a "brand symbol" internal communication plan.

New "brand symbol" internal communication program has three components:

The first is dissemination of the budget: the budget within the internal value after changing face of brand management costs. In principle, the internal budget should be cost, not to waste the principle of the old brand image first item in a specific time or place you are finished, and then use the new.

Second transmission frequency: Communication frequency refers to the "brand face transplant," the image of the enterprise after the transfer frequency. "Brand change her face," internal communication as two stages, one "brand change her face," one month after the completion of all internal transformation; second is the "brand change her face," after a quarter of employees within the enterprise to complete ideological unity .

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