Public enterprises rivalry inverter air conditioner to the countryside who have the last laugh? – Air conditioning tender, inverter air conditioner to the countryside – home appliance industry

< BR> inverter air conditioner

Finally the countryside.

<BR> Recently, in 2010 the first round of bidding in the countryside home appliances, air conditioning in the tender documents for the first time, "inverter air conditioner" in the figure. This seems to indicate, much over the past one year, "Lack of core technology," the dispute can not enjoy the countryside and city policy to take care of the two frequency conversion air-conditioning, will be this year, "explosive growth." It will also provide various other air conditioning companies in the future policy-making or improving, the overall radiation inverter air conditioner provides unlimited space for reverie.

<BR> Now, most public attention and discussion are: various air conditioning for domestic enterprises, inverter air conditioner to the countryside in the end is a good thing or a bad thing? But who is going to chuckle, who is depressed? Air conditioner market in 2010 war on? This series of problems are due to frequency conversion air-conditioning into the sky, will also be doomed to maintain their leading players in crack frequency.

<BR> Interesting frequency distribution

<BR> Present, domestic air conditioning products in the market on the layout is quite interesting and large enterprises across multiple product areas, while the energy efficiency of SMEs in the frequency and fixed frequency in the two camps are "entirely different."

<BR> Reporter noted that in the frequency area, ambushed 12-year-old


, Together with the scale of power with quick lead position among the beautiful, Gree, Haier, Oaks; foreign companies, Daikin, Mitsubishi,


Toshiba almost all of the conversion products. Reporter noted that the size frequency inadvertently camp was quick to enlarge, already has a fixed frequency and energy-efficient rival's strength.

<BR> Also quite a sensitive signal, fixed-frequency air conditioning energy efficiency upgrades will be landing this year, the minimum threshold has been set at the current standard of two energy efficiency and ultimately the new level of energy efficiency standards will be higher. At the same time, fixed-frequency energy-efficient subsidy policies to promote faced cancellation, time should be in this year's year.

<BR> Present, the U.S., and Geli has launched a new round of frequency on the contest, and showed a half-step advantage of leading the United States. This is due to the scale of beauty and strength, in September 2008 to grab the inverter air conditioner before the popularity of the first "golden match point." And Hisense in frequency on the accumulation of years of technology we need to solve their own


Size and industry position and the matching of frequency conversion technology, before achieving a new round of development.

<BR> Oaks frequency in the war in the first round to grab the second "Match Point", in early December 2009, Oaks launch frequency storm to health such as fluorine-free three core DC inverter technology Frequency of 100 million sales milestones, opened the business differential inverter air conditioner curtain war.

<BR> However, the short-term frequency market, no "lead duopoly" of the structure, which undoubtedly includes Hisense, Oaks, Haier and other companies to provide "proactive, comprehensive scramble" the confidence and motivation.

<BR> Enterprises turn fixed frequency

<BR> Side is the policy of support for inverter air conditioner floor, one side is air-conditioned constant frequency uncertainty who will be the last laugh? Who will be the biggest winners? This stage, large enterprises more than the product-oriented layout of the countryside, frequency, set frequency and other energy-efficient three-dimensional product market level layout. However, there are comprehensive betting "energy-efficient fixed-frequency" are.

<BR> Pescod

, Glanz, Changhong three companies since last year the first to send forces, "energy-efficient fixed-frequency" after introducing the one, two universal energy-efficient fixed-frequency storm, the market competition, strategic positioning in the energy efficiency of low-cost fixed-frequency competition and hope to energy-efficient fixed-frequency power as leverage, firm size and leverage to upgrade.

<BR> Now view such a move at the time they acquired a huge influence, but now faces the embarrassment of transition. Although they are all more or less concerned about the inverter air conditioner. But when will the full shift frequency, in turn determined how to achieve energy efficiency from frequency to frequency of subtle transformation is still unknown.

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