Exampdf IBM 000-118 Actual Questions
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A customer has two locations located 7 kilometers apart. The production site has a cisco 9509 chassis with 48 fibre channel ports activated, and the disaster recovery site has a Cisco 9509 chassis with 48 Ethernet ports activated. Which of the following products woll be used to get the data from one location to the other?
A. IBM SANa40-B4
B. Cisco MDS 9222i
C. Cisco MDS 9148
D. IBM SAN32B-E4 with encryption
Answer: B
A customer has four AIX partitions that require a SAN.The disk Subsystem must replicate to a remote site via an IP network. Each site has two Cisco MDS 9509 directors with fiber channel line card.Which of the following must be added to each director to meet the IP requirement?
A. tri-rate SFP
B. update to the latest Cisco IOS
C. FCIP activation on the existing 16 FC line card
D. Multiprotocol Severices Module with FCIP activation
Answer: D