Emergency lighting is essential in many areas of life
Emergency lighting is everywhere; alarm systems, electronic equipment and transport systems. Without the warning that an emergency light gives the world would be a far more dangerous place.
You will see Emergency lighting without even being aware of it. The illuminated exit signs in your work building, and the flashing red light on your electronic gadgets. The benefits of having emergency lights don’t need to be spelled out as they are there for one reason and that is to warn us. The same is true of emergency response vehicles such as police, fire service and medical teams. They all need some form of Emergency lighting. With emergency vehicles the lighting could be a lightbar, flashing beacons, strobe lights or a combination of all of them. The purpose of emergency light in any situation is to warn us of either impending doom (a dying gadget) or of a situation we should be diverted from.
It’s fair to say we probably pay more attention to Emergency lighting in our places or work. After all we need to know the quickest route out of the building. We also pay a great deal of attention to lights that flash on our electronic equipment or games consoles which is probably the last thing we need to pay attention to! We pay less attention to the warning signs and Emergency lighting we see on our roads and streets and those are the ones we really shouldn’t ignore. We can ignore the flashing lights at the roadside but that is extremely dangerous and foolish.
The Emergency lighting that should be taken seriously is that on our emergency or first response vehicles. All of the lighting on emergency vehicles has a purpose and that is to warn and inform us of what we are approaching or that the vehicle is approaching us. Emergencies happen at all times and we can’t avoid them but we can be safe when passing them by paying heed to the lights and what they are telling us. It may seem strange saying that lights tell us something but they do. You have traffic advisor lights on vehicles that will advise you to move to an adjacent lane, and light boards at roadside that will tell us the appropriate speed.
Light is important to us today as it has always been important to us in the past. Light used to protect us from the unknown and potential harm by predators. The light of a fire in a camp can keep unwanted visitors away keeping us safe. As soon as man discovered fire he discovered the power of it and the light it produced. We are little different today in that we still have lights that protect us and keep unwanted things at bay. Emergency lighting is today’s equivalent of the blazing fire in camp and it can keep us safe.
In any emergency you will find light, it illuminates areas and people and it can advise us of hazard and danger. Flashing lights or strobe lights will always be recognized by us as warning lights and Emergency lighting is just that, warning. We probably don’t ever go through a day without encountering some form of Emergency lighting, but the urgent flashing circle on a games console is certainly not as important as a flashing beacon light on an emergency vehicle. We must act accordingly and appropriately whenever we see a flashing light, but do get your priorities right and respond to the important ones!
Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for
emergency lighting units and other items like Flashlights, Dash Lights, Deck Lights, police lights, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available – http://www.extremetacticaldynamics.com/