Food and excess cholesterol

The relationship between changes of lipid metabolism and the development of lesions in arteries, myocardial infarction or heart, cardiovascular diseases (E.C.V.) are the leading cause of death in the Western world is known for many years.
Numerous studies show a direct relationship between cardiovascular disease (E.C.V.), high levels of blood cholesterol and other risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, physical inactivity or smoking, all of them are likely to be modified. These same studies indicate that the reduction of the concentration of cholesterol in the blood decrease the risk of E.C.V. as well as mortality from this disease.
The role of food in the modification of the concentrations of cholesterol in the blood is essential. The intake of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids are the dietary component more directly related to increased concentrations of total cholesterol in plasma level. However, the frequent consumption of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids appears to have a protective effect against arteriosclerosis processes.
The inhabitants of the countries of the Mediterranean basin taking foods rich in fatty acids, monounsaturated, coming mainly from olive oil, have been routinely presented a lower incidence of coronary heart disease, “benefits of the Mediterranean diet”.
Cholesterol panic?
Cholesterol is a very important fat that fulfills various functions in our body. This substance comes in part from the foods we eat through diet and also their manufacture by the liver. We need diponer of values of cholesterol in the blood of about 200 mg/dl, amount which varies according to different ages. Cholesterol plays a relevant role in the various functions of the human body. First of all, is part of cell membranes and is vital in the formation of certain hormones such as cortisol, aldosterone, androgens and estrogens. Desirable levels of cholesterol in the blood depend on part of the age, although in the adult levels below 200 mg/dl are recommended. Values between 200 and 240 are found in the high limit and above 240 (long-term) risk of coronary heart disease increases. When these levels are exceeded favors the formation of deposits of fat in the walls of the arteries leading to disorders in relation to the movement, along with other factors (obesity, hypertension, diabetes, physical inactivity, stress, etc.) favouring the emergence of atherosclerosis (the arteries become harder)(, less elastic and decreases its caliber up to prevent the normal passage of blood). The possible consequences of this (long-term) are cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, gangrene of the lower limbs or brain thromboses.
Numerous studies show that food plays an important role in the prevention and control of excess cholesterol. The diet is the first and most important step in the
treatment of the hipercolesterolemias and never a drug therapy should be initiated without having carried out a dietary treatment not less than 6 months.
What are the least healthy fats?
We know that fats are the component of the diet that most influences the lipid profile, even most important being the type of fatty acids consumed than the total amount of them.
Saturated fatty acids (A.G.S.) Food of this type of fatty acid sources are mainly the fat in foods of animal origin, as dairy them, meats and derivatives (except fish). Currently, relates the high and regular consumption of saturated fat with a higher prevalence of coronary heart disease.
Monounsaturated fatty acids (A.G.M.I.) The representative par excellence of monounsaturated fatty acids (A.G.M.I.) is oleic acid. Found primarily in olive oil and, in smaller numbers, in the nuts. A (of plasma cholesterol reduction) antihypercholesterolemic effect is attributed to this type of fat linked to the decrease in LDL cholesterol (fraction of the more harmful cholesterol or also called “bad cholesterol”) and seems to be able to maintain or increase HDL cholesterol (fraction of cholesterol more positive or also called “good cholesterol”).
The A.G.P.I. produce an opposite effect to the A.G.S., reducing the concentration of plasma cholesterol and triglycerides. They include two types of A.G.P.I. The A.G.P.I. n-3, have as their primary source oily fish and fish oils. You are attributed a notable effect in reducing levels of LDL cholesterol. The n-6 A.G.P.I. are found in high proportions in oils from seeds (sunflower, maize, etc.) and the nuts and its action in the body appears to Act also in the reduction of LDL cholesterol.
What are trans fatty acids?
They are a type of fat that is found mainly in margarine and in foods with hydrogenated fats (those fats of vegetable origin, liquid at room temperature to solidify by an industrial process of hydrogenation). It seems that this type of fat can cause an effect similar to fat saturated in the lipid profile, i.e., contributing to the increase of plasma cholesterol. In this sense, it is appropriate to recommend reducing the consumption of this type of fats often consumed mainly by the children and young people through the intake of processed foods with fat invisible?, mostly hidrogenada.
How to prevent and treat hypercholesterolemia?
First of all, the weight should be reduced if it were high (overweight or obese), by the observation of a complete diet but with less energy. Both prevention and dietary treatment of high levels of cholesterol in the blood is based on the more or less strict reduction in saturated fat and cholesterol from food, as well as a significant intake of dietary fiber. Cholesterol is only found in foods of animal origin, preferably ground. Plant products contain no cholesterol and have very little saturated fat, which is mainly found in animal fats. A fiber-rich diet may decrease the absorption of some fat.
How to reduce consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat?
It is advisable to reduce the consumption of animal fats, for what is proposed to reduce the intake of fatty meats, organ meats, sausages, dairy integers, butter, shortening, cream or cream of milk, cheese and eggs (mainly the yolks).
Prepared meals and pre-cooked, are not advisable since to increase the flavor often is added fat.
Confectionery and pastry in general (especially the packaged) as well as the creamy ice cream should be avoided.

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