6 reasons to start running, today

While exercise and more specifically the “running” not it can cure everything, its practice has been linked to all kinds of health benefits, emotional bonuses and even prevention of diseases.
In other words, with a curriculum as well, the least we can do is continue reading the article to verify that it is a good pair of sneakers, a positive attitude and a few miles ahead, can do for us
Must not be more simple, all you’ll need, is a good pair of sneakers (do not be afraid to invest money in them), a clothing (adapt to the environment and to the station of the year) and of course positive attitude (that did not sell in stores)(, you give us).
Also everyone knows to run, it is instinctive in man, another thing is the technique. Which will improve with the miles and we can always consult with an expert so we advise on the most appropriate way of placing the feet and knees.
Even more than the technique, the important thing is that we are comfortable while we run.
Note: It is advisable to consult with our health care provider before starting any sport.
Few exercises, make us sweat so much as running shirt. Cycling, rowing, climbers are devices that will make us to burn calories, but always run burn more.
In a study carried out in the middle of Wisconsin College will use 10 people to check the calories consumed in different cardiovascular exercise equipment. Test was carried out for an hour doing run participants to 65% of their maximum pulsations and extracted the following data.
1 hour running – between 705 and 865 calories
1 hour in the climber – between 637 and 746 calories
1 hour in the rowing – between 606 and 739 calories
1 hour elliptical bike – between 595 and 679 calories
1 hour in the bike – between 604 and 498 calories
Contrary to what you think, run does not destroy the joints (run poorly and in inadequate surfaces, yes)
Osteoarthritis (the most common type of arthritis), occurs when the cartilage articulate begins to decompose. The greatest risk factor for osteoarthritis, in addition to the age is the body weight. Obese people are 4 to 5 times (depending on whether they are men or women) more risk of osteoarthritis in the knees to the people who are not. The runners who are much more likely to be in a normal weight that the members of the sedentary population, significantly decreasing their risk of osteoarthritis.
We go a little further, run reinforces cartilage increasing oxygen flow and disposing of toxins, strengthen the ligaments surrounding the joints. Run also strengthens our bones help to prevent osteoporosis.
Behold the evil of the 21st century, and if you want to feel free and forget about everyday problems, a good session of running can do wonders for us.
Doing sport is the cheaper, more effective way to eliminate the anxiety. If you believe that your work day has been a mess, you wear your slippers, begins to run with your favorite music and tell me if after an hour the cafre you still remember your head.
Run, even is used by mental health experts to treat disorders such as depression or addictions to alcohol and drugs.
Most of the experts agree that regular exercise reduces the risk of many types of cancer, including some of the most fearsome: colon, breast, endometrial and lung.
A recent study in British Journal of cancer estimated that “more active” people (people walking quickly 1 hour per day between 5 and 6 days per week), had a 24% less likely to develop cancer of the colon that “less active” people.
A study revealed that women who stayed in their weight and who practiced sport “intense” (aerobics, running, tennis.) had a 30% less risk of developing breast cancer in comparison with women who did not have a life with vigorous activities.
In this case, we become a few runners as scheduled, and it will help us to prevent all kinds of disease or infirmity.
On the other hand, the normal corridors also start with advantages over heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Continuous training is evidence that it reduces blood pressure, increases good cholesterol, and increases the immunity to colds and other viruses.
If we want to invest in health and well-being we can not practice sport.
In one of the most striking studies related to the benefits of this sport, a team of the Stanford School of Medicine (USA), estudio 538 corridors and 423 healthy people who didn’t run from 1984 until 2005.
All subjects were older than 50 years at the time that the experiment was initiated and made them an annual questionnaire relating to disability in everyday tasks such as cut meat, washing, open a can of fruit.
Each year, the levels of ability to perform tasks decreased more significantly in not broker members of the group.
And the interesting fact of the study (also the most morbid), at the end of it, 85% of the runners were alive, while only 66% of the non-runners had died.
Based on information collected during the age of 21, the researchers concluded that regular exercise can reduce disability and risk of death by increasing cardiovascular fitness and bone mass, decreasing the inflammation, improving response to vaccination and improving mental abilities like learning and memory functions.
If still had doubts, we imagine that they are withdrawn, the next step only depends on you.

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