Tips For Setting Up A Gigabit Ethernet

When you require extremely fast internet or networking capabilities, you may want to consider a gigabit Ethernet. This type of system is set up to move data very quickly from one place to another. This type of set up has the ability to move up to twelve megabytes of data in one second. That is very fast. It is referred to as a gigabit.

However, most computer savvy people think in terms of bytes not bits. It will take eight bits to make up a bit. When you look at the 12 megabyte number it is much easier to understand the capabilities.

In order to set up this type of internet or networking unit, you will need several things. First you will need a router that is capable of handling these speeds. Next you will need to make sure you have a CAT6 Ethernet cable for your system.

There are currently three different types of cables which include CAT5, CAT5E and CAT6. Typically networking systems currently only require a CAT5E but if you are trying to get more speed you will want to use the CAT6.

In addition, you will need to make sure your computer is equipped with the proper network interface card. Most manufacturers have been installing standard Ethernet cards in their equipment for many years. But if you are trying to set up a gigabit Ethernet, you will need a card specifically made for this purpose. Once you have all of the proper parts, you will be ready to hook everything up and be downloading and transmitting very quickly.

There are a few negative points to installing this type of networking system. One major issue is the cost involved in changing over to the faster equipment needed. You can have a fast connection as it is available but if you do not have the proper hardware, it will not be helpful to you at all. There are ways however to save money on the switch.

First, confirm that you actually need to purchase anything new. If you already have a router for internet connection, you can use this and just purchase a switch that allows for the faster transmissions. The cost difference can be between fifty and seventy dollars if you only need a switch versus purchasing a router.

The cost of the hardware is typically more expensive for this set up than for a typical connection of this sort. However, as with all new technologies, the price is gradually coming down to being nearly equal with the standard type of networking connection so this added cost may be an issue for a very short period of time.

Today in the business world, fast connections and transmittal time are very important. Many organizations are using online conferencing programs to conduct business without needed to leave the office. This cuts back on travel expenses and entertainment by allowing the meetings to take place and no one needing to buy lunch or dinner or pay for a hotel room overnight.

Finding a reliable Gigabit Ethernet service provider is not hard when you know where to look for them. If you are considering to get Gigabit Ethernet connections for your business, review the information available on our website to find out more.

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